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DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS ...
Fixes a DNS issue in which the DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS server assignment. This issue occurs in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, and in Windows Server 2008 R2.
DNS-kirje on kustutatud valesti pärast DNS dünaamiline registreerimine ...
Artiklis esitatakse lahendus probleemile, mille vastloodud staatilise kustutamise valesti DNS server. See probleem ilmneb pärast seda, kui tühjendate ruudu "Registreeri selle ühenduse aadressid DNS" Täpsemad TCP/IP sätted keelata dünaamiline registreerimine DNS-kirjete Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 SP1-põhineb või Windows Server 2008 R2 hoolduspaketi SP1 põhise arvuti.
DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS ...
Fixes a DNS issue in which the DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS server assignment. This issue occurs in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, and in Windows Server 2008 R2.
DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS ...
Fixes a DNS issue in which the DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS server assignment. This issue occurs in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, and in Windows Server 2008 R2.
DNS dynamic update protocol does not register all adapters on a multi ...
Fixes an issue in which some adapters are not registered when you try to use DNS dynamic update protocol to register network adapters. This issue occurs on a multi-homed DNS client that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 in an Active Directory domain environment that includes large scale DNS servers.
"HTTP 401" error message when you try to access web resources that ...
Dnscacheugc.exe. 6.1.7600.20787. 28,672. 21-Aug-2010. 06:50. x86. Not applicable. Workaround Workaround for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2. To work around this issue, register an SPN for the FQDN of the web resources. Status.
You are prompted to enter credentials when you try to access a ...
Dnscacheugc.exe. 6.1.7601.22011. 28,672. 05-Jun-2012. 06:37. x86. Status. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. More Information. For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft ...
"HTTP 401" error message when you try to access web resources that ...
Dnscacheugc.exe. 6.1.7600.20787. 28,672. 21-Aug-2010. 06:50. x86. Not applicable. Workaround Workaround for Windows 7 and for Windows Server 2008 R2. To work around this issue, register an SPN for the FQDN of the web resources. Status.
Descrierea actualizării de securitate pentru Windows DNSAPI refuzare ...
Rezolvă probleme de vulnerabilitate în Windows Server 2008, Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 și Windows Embedded Standard 2009.
DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS ...
Fixes a DNS issue in which the DNS Host record of a computer is deleted after you change the DNS server assignment. This issue occurs in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, and in Windows Server 2008 R2.