Use the On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) to type - Microsoft Support
Change how info is entered into the On-Screen Keyboard. With the OSK open, select the Options key, and choose the options you want:. Use click sound: Use this option if you want to hear a sound when you press a key.. Show keys to make it easier to move around the screen: Use this option if you want the OSK to have keys for repositioning it on your screen.
Whiteboard help & learning
Get help with your questions about using Microsoft Whiteboard with our how-to articles, tutorials, and support content.
Erste Schritte mit dem neuen Outlook für Windows - Microsoft-Support
Sie sind nicht sicher, welche Version Sie gerade ausführen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Welche Version von Outlook habe ich?. Klassisches Outlook unter Windows. Wenn Ihre Konten im neuen Outlook für Windows unterstützt werden, wird oben rechts im klassischen Outlook ein Umschalter angezeigt, um das neue Outlook auszuprobieren.Wenn Sie diese Schaltfläche aktivieren, wird die neue ...
Applies To: New Outlook for Windows
Procédure de fermeture de votre compte Microsoft
Remarques : Pour fermer un compte, vous devez être en mesure de vous connecter. Si vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter à votre compte Microsoft, utilisez l’assistance de connexion.. Par exemple, si vous avez oublié vos informations de compte et qu’il a fallu réinitialiser vos informations de sécurité, vous devez patienter 60 jours avant de fermer votre compte.
Use Microsoft Edge in another language - Microsoft Support
The new Microsoft Edge defaults to use the same language as your system.. To change the language: Go to Settings and more > Settings .. Select Languages from the Settings list.. To add a language to the list of Preferred languages, select Add languages.. Once the language is added, select next to the language, and then choose Display Microsoft Edge in this language.
How Bing delivers search results - Microsoft Support
As Bingbot crawls the web, it sends information to Bing about what it finds. These pages are then added to the Bing index and algorithms are used to analyze the pages so we can effectively include them in search results, including determining which sites, news articles, images, or videos will be included in the index and available when users search for specific keywords.
Sistem Geri Yükleme - Microsoft Desteği
Sistem Geri Yükleme'yi açmak için aşağıdaki yöntemlerden birini kullanabilirsiniz: Denetim MasasıKurtarma >Sistem Geri Yükleme'yi Aç'ı seçin + R klavye kısayolunu kullanın, rstrui.exe yazın ve Enter tuşuna basın Sistem dosyalarını ve ayarlarını geri yükle kutusunda İleri'yi seçin. Sonuç listesinde kullanmak istediğiniz geri yükleme noktasını seçin.
Personnaliser la barre des tâches dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Pour ouvrir la recherche, vous pouvez : Pour démarrer une recherche à l’aide de Recherche Windows, vous pouvez : Utilisez la zone Rechercher dans la barre des tâches: sélectionnez la zone de recherche située dans la barre des tâches et commencez à taper votre requête.Cela permet d’afficher une liste de résultats pertinents, y compris les fichiers, les applications, les paramètres ...
Help with the Microsoft account recovery form
2. Get your information ready. Collect as much information as you can about any Microsoft services you may have used with this account. The more information you can include when filling out the form, the better the chance you'll have of regaining access to your account.
Word中的深色模式 - Microsoft 支持
打开深色模式. 若要在Word中打开深色模式,需要为 Mac OS 启用深色模式。 转到“系统设置”。. 在“外观”选项中,选择“ 深色”。 或者,可以选择“自动”,这将根据 MacOS 中的指定夜班计划在“浅色”和“深色”模式之间切换。 若要关闭深色模式,请转到“Word >首选项”>“常规”>“个性化 ...
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word 2024, Word 2021