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Download and install apps - Microsoft Support
Select Install apps. Follow the instructions in the browser to download the installer and start your installation. Tip. As your apps are installing you might see the User Account Control prompt pop up and ask Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Select Yes. Close the installer window after it's finished.
A hotfix for Windows Installer is available for Windows XP, Windows ...
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 file information notes. The MANIFEST files (.manifest) and the MUM files (.mum) that are installed for each environment are
Compatibility update is available for Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1 and ...
When you try to install and run certain games or applications in Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, or Windows Server 2012 R2, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: The game, the application, or the driver is installed incorrectly. ... Calibre. up to 1.* Application handles OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) online only-files correctly ...
Description of the Windows Registry Checker Tool (Scanreg.exe)
For additional information about the Scanreg.ini file, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 183603 How to Customize Registry Checker Tool Settings To start the Windows Registry Checker tool, click Start, click Run, type scanregw.exe in the Open box, and then click OK. NOTE: To use the Windows Registry Checker tool with the /restore parameter, you ...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 web installer for Windows
Issues that are fixed in this update. The following issues are fixed for .NET Framework 4.7.2. SQL Server (SQL) Fixes an issue in which the .NET Framework API SqlConnection.ConnectionString property is used to set a null or empty connection string. In this situation, a Null Reference Exception (NRE) occurs when you use the API together with .NET Framework 4.7.2.
Memory leak in Wmiapsrv.exe on a computer that is running Windows ...
The MANIFEST files (.manifest) and the MUM files (.mum) that are installed for each environment are listed separately in the "Additional file information for Windows Server 2008 and for Windows Vista" section. MUM files and MANIFEST files, and the associated security catalog (.cat) files, are extremely important to maintain the state of the updated components.
Information for network administrators about how to obtain the latest ...
x86-based versions of Windows Download the WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe package now. ... Note If you are using a Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server to obtain the Windows Update Agent, you may be using a different version of the Windows Update Agent than the version that is described in this article. The version that is ...
Solve PC problems remotely with Remote Assistance and Easy Connect
Follow the instructions. To give help if someone has requested it: Go to the search box and enter remote assistance, then select Invite someone to connect to your PC and help you, or offer to help someone else. Select Help someone who has invited you. Do one of the following: If you’re using Easy Connect for the first time, select Use Easy ...
The WMI Provider Host program (Wmiprvse.exe) may crash on a Windows ...
Important Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 hotfixes are included in the same packages. However, only one of these products may be listed on the “Hotfix Request” page. To request the hotfix package that applies to both Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, just select the product that is listed on the page.
FIX: Memory usage of the W3wp.exe process increases when the ...
In this scenario, the memory usage for the W3wp.exe worker process of Internet Information Services (IIS) increases. When the memory usage increases to a high value, you have to manually recycle the IIS application pool that the Commerce Server site runs.