Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows - Microsoft Support
Uninstall from the Start menu. Select Start > All apps and search for the app in the list shown. Press and hold (or right-click) on the app, then select Uninstall.. Uninstall in Settings Select Start > Settings > Apps > Installed apps .. Find the app you want to remove, select More > Uninstall.
Wie Sie sich bei einem Microsoft-Konto anmelden
Das Portal "Mein Konto" hilft Ihnen bei der Verwaltung Ihres Geschäfts-, Schul- oder Unikontos, indem Sie Ihre Sicherheitsinformationen einrichten und verwalten, Ihre verbundenen Organisationen und Geräte verwalten oder anzeigen, wie Ihre organization Ihre Daten verwendet.. Um sich bei Ihrem Geschäfts-, Schul- oder Unikonto anzumelden, wechseln Sie zu myaccount.microsoft.com oder wählen ...
Applies To: Microsoft 365 for home, Outlook.com, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, My Office for iPhone, Office.com, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Windows Updates installeren - Microsoft Ondersteuning
In Windows 10 kun jezelf bepalen wanneer en hoe u de meest recente updates wilt ontvangen zodat uw apparaat soepel en veilig blijft werken. Selecteer Start , ga naar Instellingen Bijwerken & Beveiliging Windows Update > selecteer Controleren op Windows-updates.. Als er updates voor u beschikbaar zijn, selecteert u Downloaden & installeren.Uw apparaat downloadt en installeert de updates.
App in background di Windows e privacy - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Controllare se un'app può essere eseguita in background. Seleziona Start , quindi seleziona Impostazioni > App > App installate.. Scorri fino all'app desiderata, seleziona Altre opzioni sul bordo destro della finestra, quindi seleziona Opzioni avanzate.. Nella sezione Autorizzazioni dell'appin background, in Consenti l'esecuzione dell'app in background, seleziona una delle opzioni seguenti:
Create professional slide layouts with Designer - Microsoft Support
Go to the Designer pane on the rightmost side of the window and look through the design ideas. Select the design you want and your slide is changed accordingly. To exit Designer without making any changes, select the "X" at the top-left corner of the Designer pane.. You can also select another idea from the pane or go back to your original slide design: Press Ctrl+Z to undo a design change you ...
Applies To: PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint for the web, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016, Office for business, PowerPoint for iPad, PowerPoint for Android tablets, Microsoft Office, PowerPoint Mobile
My microphone isn't working in Microsoft Teams
During a meeting. In your Teams meeting window, select the dropdown arrow next to Mic.. Select More audio settings.. Make sure your correct microphone is selected. If your mic isn’t in the Microphone dropdown menu, unplug and plug it back in. If you’re having trouble using a Bluetooth mic, make sure it’s charged and not connected to another device.Then try reconnecting.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Edge, browsing data, and privacy - Microsoft Support
The new Microsoft Edge helps you browse, search, shop online, and more. Like all modern browsers, Microsoft Edge lets you collect and store specific data on your device, like cookies, and lets you send information to us, like browsing history, to make the experience as rich, fast, and personal as possible.
Memperbaiki masalah suara atau audio di Windows
Jika beberapa perangkat output audio tersedia, periksa apakah Anda telah memilih satu yang sesuai. Berikut ini caranya: Pilih ikon Speaker di taskbar.. Berikutnya, pilih panah di sebelah kanan penggeser volume speaker untuk membuka daftar perangkat audio yang tersambung ke komputer Anda. Tips alat akan ditampilkan sebagai Pilih output suara saat mengarahkan mouse di atas panah.
Battery saving tips for Windows - Microsoft Support
Let Windows change some power settings for you automatically. Select Start > Settings > System > Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters , then select Run next to Power . Open Troubleshooter Set a shorter duration for when your PC sleeps. Select Start > Settings > System > Power & battery > Screen and sleep.For On battery power, put my device to sleep after, choose a shorter duration.
Verbindung mit einem WLAN-Netzwerk in Windows herstellen
Scannen Sie auf einem anderen Gerät den QR-Code, um eine Verbindung herzustellen, wenn das Gerät dies unterstützt, oder stellen Sie wie gewohnt eine Verbindung mit Wi-Fi her, und geben Sie Ihr Wi-Fi Kennwort ein, wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden.