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Поправка на Windows installer (MSI) не работи, когато MSI пакет е ...
Коригира проблем, при който MSI ремонт може да се провали ако MSI файла е бил първоначално инсталиран от HTTP местоположение. Този проблем възниква след инсталиране на актуализация на защитата MS14 049 Windows 8.1 или Windows 7 SP1.
"HTTP Error 401.1" error message when Msiexec.exe updates an MSI file ...
Then, the ConfigMgr client updates the MSI source list by accessing the content server. This behavior is controlled by the self-healing functionality. When the self-healing functionality is triggered, Msiexec.exe tries to access the content path anonymously instead of by using the credentials of the user who currently logs on the client computer.
How to troubleshoot Windows Installer errors - Microsoft Support
Note If you're running the .msi log file without the bootstrapping application (.exe), you can add parameters for verbose logging. For example, you can run the following command: Msiexec path\your_msi.msi /L*v path\your_msi_log.txt For a list of msiexec command-line parameters, see Command-line options.
How to Install the Windows Support Tools from a Command Prompt
When you use the Msiexec.exe tool, you can run a quiet unattended installation of Suptools.msi by using the msiexec /i x:\support\tools\suptools.msi /q command at a command prompt, where x is the location of the Support folder on a CD-ROM or local drive. This command performs a typical installation of the Support Tools, and it installs 57 tools.
Azure File Sync Agent v16 Release - January 2023 - Microsoft Support
msiexec.exe /p StorageSyncAgent_WS2016_KB5013877.msp REINSTALLMODE=OMUS REINSTALL=StorageSyncAgent,StorageSyncAgentAzureFileSync,StorageSyncAgentGuardFilter,StorageSyncAgentUpdater /qb /l*v KB5013877.log. Microsoft Download Center. Go to the Microsoft Download Center to manually download the agent installation package for new agent installations.
Ce nu pot împiedica aplicațiile sau serviciile se închide sau ...
Această problemă apare deoarece semnalizarea de închidere este setat incorect de către procesul msiexec.exe. Rezolvare. Pentru a rezolva această problemă, instalați pachetul de actualizare 2984006 pentru Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1 sau Windows Server 2012 R2 sau pachetul 2984005 de actualizare pentru Windows 8, Windows RT, sau Windows ...
Operations Manager přestane fungovat po odinstalaci funkcí pro správu ...
Potom pomocí nástroje msiexec.exe ručně odebrat určité funkce, například APM Agent nebo operativní poznatky Agent (Advisor Agent). V této situaci může dojít neočekávané problémy. Například při importu nové balíčky správy konfigurace nikdy načtena úspěšně na všechny servery správy a agentů.
Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2022 Operations Manager
Select Start, and then select Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, select Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Select Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then select OK. Select Install updates to install the update package.
כיצד לפתור שגיאות של Windows Installer - תמיכה של Microsoft
MSIExec/הסרת הרישום של msiexec/regserver. ... ה-Readme בתיקייה לקבלת הוראות להפעלת תהליך ההתקנה. אם קובץ הפעלה (. exe) זמין, לא מומלץ להפעיל קבצי. msi ישירות ללא הוראות מסוימות מהספק. שים לב אם נדרשים תקליטורים או ...
LSASS deadlocks cause Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012 not ...
LSASS.exe may deadlock because of maxed out shared NT Thread Pool threads. This causes the server to stop responding to login requests from Exchange email clients such as Outlook, ActiveSync, and Outlook Web App as well as Remote Desktop connections, remote administrative commands through PowerShell, and local console logins. How to get this update