Slik logger du på Hotmail - Støtte for Microsoft
Obs!: Passordet Hotmail eller er det samme som passordet for Microsoft-kontoen. Hvis du kan logge på, men har problemer med, kontrollerer du tjenestestatusen tjenestestatusen.Hvis statusen ikke er grønn, venter du til tjenesten kjører som normalt, og prøver på nytt.
Applies To:
Beheben von Sound- oder Audioproblemen in Windows
Hardwareprobleme können durch veraltete oder fehlerhafte Treiber verursacht werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Audiotreiber auf dem neuesten Stand ist, und aktualisieren Sie ihn bei Bedarf.
Trouver mes téléchargements dans Windows 10 - Support Microsoft
Pour trouver les téléchargements sur votre PC : Sélectionnez Explorateur de fichiers dans la barre des tâches, ou appuyez sur le touche du logo Windows + E.
How to use multiple monitors in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you connected another display and it isn't showing in Settings, select Start > Settings > System > Display > Rearrange your displays, then select Detect. Arrange your displays. If you have multiple displays, you can change how they're arranged. This is helpful if you want your displays to match how they're set up in your home or office.
Customer service phone numbers - Microsoft Support
For help, follow the Get help link below. Describe your problem, and we'll provide self-help or connect you to the most appropriate support, which may include chat or request a call — we’ll call you, so you don’t have to wait. For even faster help, search for your topic on our site. Get help
Microsoft Teamsで職場または学校の会議のために Teams に参加する (無料)
会議に参加する前に、Teams のバージョンを確認して、更新します。 Microsoft Teams (無料) アカウントと Teams (職場または学校) アカウントをお持ちの場合は、アカウントを切り替えて会議に参加することが最適な決定であるかどうかを判断してください。 Teams のバージョンを確認して更新する
Applies To: Microsoft Teams personal
Microsoft Support
Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Résoudre les problèmes audio dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Les problèmes matériels peuvent être dus à des pilotes obsolètes ou défectueux. Assurez-vous que votre pilote audio est à jour et, si nécessaire, mettez-le à jour. Si cela ne fonctionne pas, essayez de désinstaller le pilote audio (il sera automatiquement réinstallé).
Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC
These features, including speech recognition, aren't required for voice typing to work. To see this feature's supported languages, see the list in this article. Switch voice typing languages. To switch voice typing languages, you'll need to change the input language you use. Here's how:
Introducing Microsoft Phone Link and Link to Windows
We want to hear from you! Please continue to share your feedback with us — either in the Google Play Store, directly in the Phone Link and Link to Windows apps, or at the bottom of this article.