- Microsoft
如何在 Excel 中將兩個或多個儲存格的文字或資料合併到一個儲存格。
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel Mobile
Internet Explorer - Microsoft
Microsoft Edge是 Microsoft 建議的瀏覽器. Windows 7 已不再支援 Internet Explorer 11。 因此建議您改為安裝 Microsoft Edge。 Microsoft Edge 是為了提供最佳網路體驗而建置,讓您在瀏覽時保有更大控制權和更多隱私權。
Guida e formazione su Microsoft Edge
Ottieni assistenza e supporto per Microsoft Edge. Trova i contenuti di supporto Microsoft Edge, nonché articoli pratici, esercitazioni e altro ancora.
Add guests to a team in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
After you add a guest to a team, it may take a few hours before they have access. Guests from outside your org receive an emailed invitation to join the team.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
How to change your keyboard layout - Microsoft Support
Summary. This article describes how to change keyboard layouts for the Microsoft keyboards listed in the "Applies To" section. You can configure your keyboard to use a different language or keyboard layout, such as Canadian Multilingual, Spanish, or United States-Dvorak.
取得您用於 Microsoft 之帳戶的說明。 瞭解如何設定 Microsoft 帳戶、保護它,以及如何使用它來管理您的服務和訂閱。
Leave family group or remove members - Microsoft Support
There are several different ways for family members and organizers to leave or be removed from a Microsoft family group depending on their role. Before leaving, family members and organizers should remove saved places and location alerts they would not like to remain in the group. Location alerts must be removed by the individual who set them for saved places to be deleted.
Habilitar TPM 2.0 en el equipo - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Publicado en agosto de 2021. Este artículo está destinado a los usuarios que no pueden actualizar a Windows 11 porque su equipo no está habilitado actualmente con TPM 2.0 o su equipo es capaz de ejecutar TPM 2.0 pero no está configurado para hacerlo.
Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows - Microsoft Support
In quick settings: To find the quick setting for Bluetooth, select the Network, Sound, or Battery icons ( ) next to the time and date on the right side of your taskbar.Select Bluetooth to turn it on. If it's turned on without any Bluetooth devices connected, it might appear as Not connected . If you don't see Bluetooth in quick settings, you might need to add it.
Microsoft Defender - Microsoft
若要關閉,請將設定切換為 [關閉]。 關閉 Microsoft Defender 防火牆可能會讓您的裝置 (以及網路,如果有的話) 更容易受到未經授權存取的攻擊。