Encontrar la clave del producto de Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Si has comprado Windows 10 o Windows 11 Pro actualización en la aplicación Microsoft Store, recibirás una licencia digital en lugar de una clave de producto en el correo electrónico de confirmación que se envió para confirmar la compra.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
How to access OneDrive settings - Microsoft Support
Tips: If you don't see the OneDrive icon, OneDrive might not be running. On a PC, go to Start, type OneDrive in the search box, and then click OneDrive in the search results. You might need to click the Show hidden icons arrow next to the notification area to see the OneDrive icons. On a Mac, use Spotlight to search for OneDrive and open it.
Applies To:
OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Get Windows updates as soon as they're available for your device
We're committed to delivering continuous innovation by releasing new features and enhancements into Windows 11 more frequently. Windows devices get new functionality at different times as Microsoft delivers non-security updates, fixes, improvements, and enhancements via several servicing technologies—including controlled feature rollout (CFR). ...
Create an ISO file for Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
Unlike in previous versions of Windows, you’ll need to use the media creation tool to create an ISO file to install Windows 10. Make sure you have a license to install Windows 10, and then follow these steps:
Send automatic replies (out of office) from Outlook
Troubleshooting: I don't see Automatic Replies. If you don't see Automatic Replies after selecting File, you're probably using a Gmail, Yahoo, or other POP or IMAP account that doesn't support the Outlook Automatic Replies feature.You can set up a rule that will reply to incoming messages—if you leave Outlook running while you're away.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Outlook on the web, Outlook.com, New Outlook for Windows, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019
Add a Gmail account to Outlook for Windows - Microsoft Support
If you need instructions for adding an email account using advanced settings, go to Use advanced setup to add a POP or IMAP email account in Outlook for PC. Outlook won't accept my password. If Outlook won’t accept your password and you know you’re using the right password for your Gmail account, you might have an older version of Outlook that doesn't currently support this faster Gmail ...
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, New Outlook for Windows
Hotmail’de oturum açma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Hotmail veya Outlook.com parolanız Microsoft Hesabı parolanızla aynıdır. Oturum açabiliyorsanız ancak Outlook.com ile ilgili sorun yaşıyorsanız hizmet durumunu kontrol edin. Durum yeşil değilse, hizmetin normal çalışır duruma gelmesini bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin.
Applies To:
Windows Update Troubleshooter - Microsoft Support
Learn how to run Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve errors downloading or installing Windows updates.
Creating and using a USB recovery drive for Surface
If the USB recovery drive doesn’t work on your Surface. If you can’t boot from your USB recovery drive or don’t see the Recover from a drive option, you may need to ensure that the boot-from-USB function in the Surface BIOS is enabled or configure the boot order so the USB drive is the first option. For more info, see Boot Surface from a USB device.
压缩和解压缩文件 - Microsoft 支持
压缩 (压缩) 文件. 在任务栏上的搜索框中,键入“文件资源管理器”,然后从结果列表中选择它。右键单击想要压缩的文件,然后依次选择“发送到”>“压缩文件夹”。 解压缩文件. 打开文件资源管理器并找到压缩的文件夹。