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MS13-096:Lync 2010 Attendee(管理员级安装)安全更新说明:2013 年 12 月 10 日
此安全更新可通过修正受影响的软件处理 TIFF 文件的方式来解决漏洞。
MS13-096: Descrizione dell'aggiornamento della sicurezza per Lync 2010 ...
Questo aggiornamento per la sicurezza risolve una vulnerabilità correggendo il modo in cui i prodotti software interessati gestiscono i file TIFF.
MS13-096: Descripción de la actualización de seguridad para Lync 2010 ...
Esta actualización de seguridad soluciona la vulnerabilidad corrigiendo la forma en la que el software afectado administra los archivos TIFF.
MS13-096: Descrição da atualização de segurança do Lync 2010 Attendee ...
Esta atualização de segurança aborda a vulnerabilidade corrigindo a forma que o software afetado lida com arquivos TIFF.
MS13-096: Beskrivning av säkerhetsuppdatering för Lync 2010 deltagare ...
Den här säkerhetsuppdateringen åtgärdar ett problem genom att hanteringen av TIFF-filer i program som berörs.
MS13-096: Beskrivelse av sikkerhetsoppdateringen for Lync 2010 deltaker ...
Denne sikkerhetsoppdateringen løser et sikkerhetsproblem ved å korrigere måten den berørte programvaren håndterer TIFF-filer.
MS13-096:說明 Lync 2010 Attendee (系統管理員層次安裝) 的安全性更新:2013 年 12 月 10 日 ...
此安全性更新透過修正受影響的軟體處理 tiff 檔案的方式,解決這個弱點。
Description of the update for Lync 2010: March 2012
Summary. This article describes the update for Microsoft Lync 2010 that is dated March 2012. This article describes the following items about the update package: The issues that the update package fixes. The prerequisites for installing the update package. Whether you must restart the computer after you install the update package.
MS13-096: Beschrijving van de beveiligingsupdate voor Lync 2010 ...
Met deze update wordt een beveiligingsprobleem opgelost door de manier waarop de beïnvloede software TIFF-bestanden verwerkt, te corrigeren.
Description of the update for Lync 2010: March 2012
Summary. This article describes the update for Microsoft Lync 2010 that is dated March 2012. This article describes the following items about the update package: The issues that the update package fixes. The prerequisites for installing the update package. Whether you must restart the computer after you install the update package.