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Microsoft Security Advisory: Update Rollup for ActiveX Kill Bits
Windows XP, x86-based versions. Download the WindowsXP-KB2562937-x86-ENU.exe package now. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Download the WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2562937-x64-ENU.exe package now. Windows Server 2003, x64-based versions. Download the WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2562937-x64-ENU.exe package now. Windows Server 2003, x86 ...
KB2289547 - actualizarea cumulativă 2 pentru SQL Server Compact 3.5 ...
Descărcați și găsiți fișierul SSCERuntime-ENU.exe. Faceți dublu clic pe fișierul SSCERuntime-ENU.exe pentru a începe procesul de extragere. În caseta de dialog SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 Self-Extractor , specificați folderul care va conține fișierele extrase, apoi faceți clic pe OK .
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 ตัวติดตั้งแบบออฟไลน์สําหรับ Windows
หมาย เหตุตัวติดตั้งแพคเกจ (NDP472-KB4054530-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe) ได้รับการอัปเดตเมื่อวันที่ 10 กรกฎาคม 2018 หากคุณดาวน์โหลดตัวติดตั้งก่อนวันที่ 10 ...
Windows Installer 4.5 is available - Microsoft Support
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center: [Asset 4009805]Download Windows Installer 4.5 now. Note Check the following table to find which file to choose for your operating system:. Operating System. Files to choose from the Microsoft Download Center. Windows XP SP2.
User-Mode Driver Framework version 1.9 update for Windows XP, for ...
INTRODUCTION . This article introduces an update that installs User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) version 1.9 on Windows operating systems. UMDF supports user-mode drivers that are written specifically to use it.
MS06-071: Security update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
If the Msxml4.dll file is locked, the file may not be updated when you apply security update MS06-071 for MSXML 4.0, for MSXML 4.0 SP1, and for MSXML 4.0 SP2. To work around this issue, use the following commands to uninstall Msxml4.dll: MsiExec.exe /uninstall {37477865-A3F1-4772-AD43-AAFC6BCFF99F} /passive.
How to create the .NET Framework 4.6.1 prerequisites entry in Microsoft ...
%Program Files (x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\SDK\Bootstrapper\Packages. Create a copy of the DotNetFX46 folder and all its contents. Name the new folder DotNetFX461. Start Visual Studio as an administrator. Open the following file:
KB2979596 - SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 4 release information
Install SQL Server 2008 Management Studio including SP4. SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe to install the free SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express Edition; then, SQLServer2008SP4-KB2979596-x64-ENU.exe. Note After you install the service pack, the SQL Service version should be reflected as 10.00.6000.29.
FIX: Error message when you try to install a large Windows Installer ...
Starting with Microsoft Windows XP, a security policy named Software Restriction Policies (also known as SAFER) was introduced to help users avoid running unsafe files. Windows Installer uses Software Restriction Policies to verify the signatures of signed .msi package files and signed .msp package files.
Description of Cumulative Update 3 for System Center 2012 Configuration ...
The WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe) hosting the Configuration Manager Provider (SMSProv) may exceed its memory quota on a site that processes lots of status messages from a custom application. This can result in a loss of connectivity through the Configuration Manager console until the server hosting the provider is restarted.