Getting your Xbox device serviced | Xbox Support
Warranties, extended service plans, and terms and conditions for your device
Request a refund for digital games | Xbox Support
Note Submitting a request doesn’t guarantee a refund, especially if it doesn’t meet the above criteria. If the refund request is approved, you'll see it being processed on your Microsoft account, and you'll no longer be able to access the digital game product. Refunds may take several business days or longer to appear in your account, so ...
Informazioni su Game Bar in Windows | Xbox Support
Tieni presente che a partire da ottobre 2024 dovrai avere Windows10 22H2 o versioni successive per garantire il corretto funzionamento di alcune funzionalità nell'app Xbox e in Game Bar. Puoi controllare la tua versione di Windows in Impostazioni > Sistema > Informazioni su > Specifiche di Windows > Versione.
Types d’actions répressives Xbox | Xbox Support
Remarque Le support technique ne peut pas vous aider à effectuer des suspensions ou des actions répressives. Vous trouverez plus d’informations ci-dessous concernant l’envoi d’une demande de révision de cas au service Sécurité Xbox.
How to reset your Xbox console to factory defaults
Warning Resetting your console to its factory defaults erases all accounts, saved games, settings, and home Xbox associations. Anything not uploaded to the Xbox network will be lost. Your console syncs when it's connected to the Xbox network, but if you've been offline for a while, connect to the network before taking these steps.
Error E208 occurs when you try to update your Xbox console
This means there may have been a problem when your Xbox console tried to install the latest console OS (operating system) update.
Xbox コントローラーが接続しない、またはオンにならない
バッテリーを確認する: コントローラーのバッテリーを新しいものに交換するか、リチャージャブル コントローラーが完全に再充電されていることを確認します。(コントローラーに電源が入っている場合でも、この操作を行います。バッテリー残量が少ない場合は、接続と機能の問題が発生 ...
ข้อผิดพลาด "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่างกับบัญชี Microsoft ของคุณ ...
เรียนรู้วิธีการแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาด "ขออภัย เกิดข้อผิดพลาดบางอย่างกับบัญชี Microsoft ของคุณ" เพื่อให้คุณสามารถลงชื่อเข้าใช้เครือข่าย Xbox ได้
Use mobile operator billing with your Microsoft account
If you don't recognise a charge on your account, click here for guidance on how to investigate it. More options In certain countries and regions, mobile operator billing can be used as a payment option to buy subscriptions like Game Pass and content such as games, apps, music, HD movies, and TV shows on your Xbox console and
About the Minecraft Marketplace on Xbox and PC
The Minecraft Marketplace makes it safer and easier to buy community-made content for Minecraft. Buy content once and enjoy it on Xbox console or PC with no expiration.