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ชุดการอัปเดต 12 สําหรับ System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager
การเพิ่มโหนดใหม่ลงในคลัสเตอร์ Highly Available Virtual Machine Manager (HAVMM) เมื่อคุณเพิ่มโหนดใหม่ลงในคลัสเตอร์ HAVMM และติดตั้งชุดรวมอัปเดต 8 หรือชุดรวมอัปเดตที่ใหม่กว่า ...
Azure File Sync Agent v18.1 Release - June 2024 (Security-only update)
msiexec.exe /p packagename.msp REINSTALLMODE=OMUS REINSTALL=StorageSyncAgent,StorageSyncAgentAzureFileSync,StorageSyncAgentGuardFilter,StorageSyncAgentUpdater /qb /l*v KB5023058.log For example, to install the Azure File Sync agent update for Server 2016, run the following command:
Description of the Windows Update Standalone Installer in Windows ...
Wusa.exe uses the .xml file when you perform an unattended installation of the update by using the Package Manager tool (Pkgmgr.exe). For example, you download hotfix 934307. The Windows6.0-KB934307-x86.msu file is in the C:\934307 folder. You type the following command at a command prompt to expand the .msu file to a temporary folder:
Sửa chữa Windows installer (MSI) không hoạt động khi MSI gói được cài ...
Khắc phục sự cố trong đó MSI sửa chữa có thể không thành công nếu tệp MSI đã được cài đặt từ vị trí HTTP. Sự cố này xảy ra sau khi bạn cài đặt bản Cập Nhật bảo mật MS14-049 Windows 8.1 hoặc Windows 7 SP1.
How to Install the Windows Support Tools from a Command Prompt
When you use the Msiexec.exe tool, you can run a quiet unattended installation of Suptools.msi by using the msiexec /i x:\support\tools\suptools.msi /q command at a command prompt, where x is the location of the Support folder on a CD-ROM or local drive. This command performs a typical installation of the Support Tools, and it installs 57 tools.
You cannot prevent applications or services from being shut down or ...
This issue occurs because the shutdown flag is set incorrectly by the msiexec.exe process. Resolution. To resolve this issue, install update rollup 2984006 for Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, or Windows Server 2012 R2 or update rollup 2984005 for Windows 8, Windows RT, or Windows Server 2012.
Η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης ενός πακέτου MSI που περιέχει πολλά πακέτα ...
Διορθώνει ένα ζήτημα στο οποίο η διαδικασία εγκατάστασης ενός πακέτου MSI που περιέχει πολλά πακέτα σταματά να ανταποκρίνεται ("κολλάει"). Αυτό το ζήτημα παρουσιάζεται στα Windows XP, Windows Vista και Windows Server 2008.
"The directory name is invalid" error message when you start Cmd.exe or ...
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe The directory name is invalid. C:\Windows\system32\Notepad.exe The directory name is invalid. To use the Run as feature, you click The following user in the Run as dialog box, type a user name in the User name box, and then type a password in Password box.
Azure File Sync Agent v15.2 Release – November 2022
msiexec.exe /p StorageSyncAgent_WS2016_KB5013875.msp REINSTALLMODE=OMUS REINSTALL=StorageSyncAgent,StorageSyncAgentAzureFileSync,StorageSyncAgentGuardFilter,StorageSyncAgentUpdater /qb /l*v KB5013875.log. Microsoft Download Center. Go to the Microsoft Download Center to manually download the agent installation package for new agent installations.
Proces instalace balíčku MSI, který obsahuje více balíčků přestane ...
Opravuje problém, ve kterém proces instalace balíčku MSI, který obsahuje více balíčků přestane reagovat (zablokuje se). K tomuto problému dochází v systému Windows XP, Windows Vista a Windows Server 2008.