Скачивание и установка последних драйверов принтера
Чтобы узнать, есть ли у вас устройство arm, перейдите в раздел Параметры > Системная > Сведения и найдите свойство "Тип системы" в разделе "Спецификации устройств".Устройства arm имеют "процессор на основе arm" в типе системы.
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
Note: If a compatibility issue has been identified on your device that would disrupt your experience using Windows 11, we will temporarily delay your upgrade until the issue is resolved.Compatibility safeguard holds help ensure you have the best experience possible when upgrading and your productivity is not disrupted if critical apps or drivers are not yet compatible.
Treiber manuell in Windows aktualisieren - Microsoft-Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Treiber in Windows aktualisieren, indem Sie den Geräte-Manager verwenden, um einen Treiber zu aktualisieren oder neu zu installieren.
Reactivate Microsoft 365 or Office - Microsoft Support
Alternatively, if you have successfully installed Microsoft 365 or Office on your computer, but need help with activating or reactivating it, please go to:
Applies To:
Office 2021, Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2013, Microsoft 365 for home
阻止 Microsoft Edge 中的弹出窗口 - Microsoft 支持
弹出窗口阻止程序无法阻止哪些弹窗? 如果在启用此功能并且尝试了上面列出的解决方案后,网页中仍然显示了弹出窗口,则它们可能是网站广告,以弹出窗口的样子呈现。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
KB5027397: Feature update to Windows 11, version 23H2 by using an ...
Summary. Windows 11, versions 22H2 and 23H2 share a common core operating system with an identical set of system files. Therefore, the new features in Windows 11, version 23H2 are included in the latest monthly quality update for Windows 11, version 22H2 but are in an inactive and dormant state.
Criar mídia de instalação para o Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Uma chave do produto (Product Key).Pode ser necessária uma chave de produto de 25 carateres (não é necessária para licenças digitais). Para obter ajuda para localizar a chave de produto, aceda a Localizar a sua chave de produto do Windows.Muitos dispositivos modernos contêm a chave de produto incorporada no firmware do dispositivo.
Indítási alkalmazások konfigurálása a Windowsban - A Microsoft ...
A hiba javítása: Nem található ez az alkalmazás. Ha a masszázst látja , az alkalmazás nem található alkalmazáscímként a Gépházban, lehet, hogy az alkalmazás cserélhető meghajtón, hálózati meghajtón van, vagy az alkalmazás elérési útja nem létezik. Ez akkor is előfordulhat, ha egy alkalmazást eltávolítottak, ezért megpróbálhatja újratelepíteni az alkalmazást ...
Using IF with AND, OR, and NOT functions in Excel
Examples. Following are examples of some common nested IF(AND()), IF(OR()) and IF(NOT()) statements in Excel. The AND and OR functions can support up to 255 individual conditions, but it’s not good practice to use more than a few because complex, nested formulas can get very difficult to build, test and maintain.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel Web App, Excel for Windows Phone 10
How to start a scan for viruses or malware in Microsoft Defender
Important: The National Public Data breach exposed personal information, including names, addresses, and social security numbers.Learn how to protect yourself and how Microsoft Defender is helping to prevent fraud. See: National Public Data breach: What you need to know.
Applies To:
Microsoft Defender on Android, Microsoft Defender on Mac, Microsoft Defender on Windows