Get help on your console with Xbox Support
Before looking for answers online, check the Xbox Support app right on your Xbox console. You'll find tips that are based on your activities, how-to videos and instructions, fixes for top concerns, Xbox status alerts, and more.
Solucionar os problemas de luzes vermelhas piscando no console do Xbox ...
Uma luz piscando: Pode haver um problema com a fonte de alimentação, o disco rígido, as unidades de memória ou os acessórios, ou talvez seu console precise ser reparado.; Duas luzes piscando: Talvez seu console esteja muito quente e não esteja resfriando corretamente.; Três luzes vermelhas piscando: Pode haver uma falha de hardware na sua fonte de alimentação ou console.
Use PayPal with your Microsoft account | Xbox Support
In certain countries and regions, PayPal can be used as a payment option to buy subscriptions like Game Pass and content such as games, apps, music, HD movies, and TV shows on your Xbox Series X|S console, Xbox One console, Xbox 360 console, and
Something went wrong: 0x0 | Xbox Support
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Set up your Xbox console: Digital setup | Xbox Support
If your new Xbox console is physically set up, it’s time to turn on the power and set it up digitally. If you haven't already set up your console physically and need help with that, depending on which console you have, see:
关于使用 Game Pass 的 Blizzard Games 的所有信息 | Xbox Support
本页解答有关使用 Game Pass 订阅在电脑上玩 Blizzard 游戏的常见问题。 若要使用 Game Pass 玩这些游戏,你需要是 Game Pass Ultimate 或 PC Game Pass 订阅者,或者是主机版 Game Pass 订阅者。
How your PC gaming account relates to your Microsoft Store account
The Xbox app on PC relies on two Microsoft accounts: the Microsoft Store account, and the Xbox profile (your PC gaming account). The Microsoft Store account provides access to owned games, subscription benefits, and other Xbox app purchases made by that account.
我的 Xbox 控制器無法連線或開啟 | Xbox Support
檢查電池:將控制器電池更換為全新電池,或確定可充電式控制器已充滿電。(即使您的控制器仍有電力,也請執行此操作—電力不足可能會造成連線和功能問題。) 重新啟動控制器電源:長按 Xbox 按鈕 並維持 5 - 10 秒,直到控制器的電源關閉為止。 等候數秒鐘後,然後再長按 Xbox 按鈕 一次以重新開啟 ...
Enable PC game mods | Xbox Support
Learn more about mods and how to manage them on child accounts.
Novidades: atualizações da aplicação Xbox para PC
A lista abaixo contém os números das versões mais recentes da aplicação Xbox para PC, as funcionalidades que foram adicionadas ou atualizadas e os problemas conhecidos que estamos a acompanhar.