Activar Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Si estás instalando Windows en un nuevo dispositivo o placa base por primera vez y no tienes una clave de producto, selecciona No tengo una clave de producto durante las pantallas de instalación. Cuando se le solicite, escriba la cuenta de Microsoft que desea usar para comprar una licencia digital para este dispositivo.
Sync your account in Outlook to the Microsoft Cloud
To enhance your Microsoft 365 experience in new Outlook for Windows,, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Android, and new Outlook for Mac, you can now sync your non-Microsoft accounts (including their emails, contacts, and events) to the Microsoft Cloud.
Applies To:
New Outlook for Windows
Hotmail’de oturum açma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Hotmail veya parolanız Microsoft Hesabı parolanızla aynıdır. Oturum açabiliyorsanız ancak ile ilgili sorun yaşıyorsanız hizmet durumunu kontrol edin. Durum yeşil değilse, hizmetin normal çalışır duruma gelmesini bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin.
Applies To:
View, edit, and manage video transcripts and captions
Upload captions and transcripts Upload your own WebVTT captions and transcript file by selecting Video settings in the upper right of the web player.Expand the Transcripts and captions section if closed, then select Upload.In the dialog that appears, select the language of the file you’re uploading.
Applies To:
Microsoft Stream, Stream on SharePoint
Sign in and get started with Teams - Microsoft Support
Pick a team and channel. A team is a collection of people, conversations, files, and tools — all in one place. A channel is a discussion in a team, dedicated to a department, project, or topic.. The best way to get familiar with teams and channels is to pick a team and channel and start exploring! Select Teams on the left side of the app and then pick a team.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
Note: If a compatibility issue has been identified on your device that would disrupt your experience using Windows 11, we will temporarily delay your upgrade until the issue is resolved.Compatibility safeguard holds help ensure you have the best experience possible when upgrading and your productivity is not disrupted if critical apps or drivers are not yet compatible.
Snap your windows - Microsoft Support
The Snap feature is a great way to improve your productivity by sharing many app windows in a single screen. Different layouts are available with many sizes to choose from, so you can get the most from your favorite apps when you are working on specific tasks.
Удаление и удаление приложений и программ в Windows
Удалите или удалите приложения и программы в приложении "Параметры". Существуют различные способы удаления приложений и программ, поэтому если вы не можете найти нужный файл, попробуйте использовать другое ...
Microsoft Edge browsing activity for personalized advertising and ...
Under Personalization & advertising, turn on or off the setting for Allow Microsoft to save your browsing activity including history, usage, favorites, web content, and other browsing data to personalize Microsoft Edge and Microsoft services like ads, search, shopping and news.
Stream HDR video on Windows - Microsoft Support
You select Optimize for video quality for Battery options in the Video playback settings. Because playing HDR video uses more battery power, if you select Optimize for battery life for Battery options, you won’t get HDR video when your device is running on battery.To change this, select Start , then search for settings.Select Settings > Apps > Video playback .