Contattaci - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Contatta il Supporto tecnico Microsoft. Trova soluzioni a problemi comuni, oppure ottieni assistenza da un operatore del supporto.
Outlook for Windows にメール アカウントを追加する - Microsoft サポート アカウントや アカウント、Microsoft 365で使用する職場または学校アカウント、Gmail、Yahoo、iCloud、Exchange アカウントなど、さまざまな種類のメール アカウントを Outlookに追加できます。
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, New Outlook for Windows
Windows Update-Problembehandlung - Microsoft-Support
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Windows Update-Problembehandlung ausführen, um Fehler beim Herunterladen oder Installieren von Windows zu beheben.
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Ctrl + T. Open a new tab and switch to it. Ctrl + Shift + T. Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it. Alt + Shift + T. Set focus on the first item in the app bar toolbar. Ctrl + U. View source. Ctrl + Shift + U. Start or stop Read Aloud. Ctrl + Shift + V. Paste without formatting. Ctrl + W. Close the current tab.
Office の更新プログラムをインストールする - Microsoft サポート
[クイック修復]、[修復] の順に選択します。 この方法で解決しない場合、代わりに [オンライン修復] を選択してもう一度同じ手順をお試しください。それでもアプリが開かない場合は、Office をアンインストールして再インストールします。
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Access for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Excel 2024, Word 2024, Outlook 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Access 2024, OneNote 2024, Office 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Office 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Office 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Project Professional 2016, Project Standard 2016, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, InfoPath 2013, InfoPath Filler 2013,
Fix Wi-Fi connection issues in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you can’t connect to a Wi-Fi network that you could connect to before, it’s possible that the network settings might have changed or the profile is corrupted. To fix this, remove (or "forget") the network connection, then reconnect to the network. When you forget a network connection, it removes the Wi-Fi network profile from your PC. ...
파일 탐색기의 도움말 - Microsoft 지원
파일 탐색기를 열려면 Windows 로고 키 + E를 선택하거나 시작 으로 이동하여 검색 상자에 파일 탐색기를 입력합니다. 결과에서 파일 탐색기를 선택합니다.. 주요 항목. 다음은 파일 탐색기에 대한 일반적인 몇 가지 질문과 답변입니다.
Codecs in Media Player - Microsoft Support
Codecs allow you to play different formats of audio and video files. Media Player supports a wide variety of codecs. Most are included out of the box; some additional codecs can be installed from the Microsoft Store.
Hinzufügen eines E-Mail-Kontos zu Outlook für Windows - Microsoft-Support
Behandeln von Kennwortproblemen beim Hinzufügen eines Kontos im neuen Outlook Kennwort vergessen. Wenn Sie das Kennwort für ein Microsoft-Konto vergessen haben, verwenden Sie unsere Anmeldehilfe, um wieder zu Ihrem Konto zu gelangen, oder lesen Sie Zurücksetzen eines vergessenen Microsoft-Kontokennworts.. Wenn Sie Ihr Kennwort für ein Geschäfts-, Schul- oder Unikonto vergessen haben ...
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, New Outlook for Windows
Holen Sie sich das neueste Windows-Update - Microsoft-Support
Windows-Geräte erhalten möglicherweise zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten neue Funktionen, da Microsoft nicht sicherheitsrelevante Updates, Fehlerbehebungen, Verbesserungen und Verbesserungen über verschiedene Wartungstechnologien bereitstellt – einschließlich des kontrollierten Featurerollouts (Controlled Feature Rollout, CFR). Windows informiert Sie darüber, ob Sie Ihr Gerät neu starten ...