更改 Microsoft 帐户密码 - Microsoft 支持
下面的步骤介绍如何更改 已知 密码。 如果你因忘记密码而需要 重置 密码,请参阅 重置Microsoft帐户密码 。. 更改密码. 转到 account.microsoft.com ,如果尚未登录,请使用要更新的帐户的用户名和密码登录。. 从导航标头中选择“ 安全性 ”,由于要访问敏感信息,因此需要再次输入此帐户的密码。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Alterar o mecanismo de pesquisa padrão no Microsoft Edge
Manter o Bing como o mecanismo de pesquisa padrão fornece uma experiência de pesquisa aprimorada no novo Microsoft Edge, incluindo links diretos para aplicativos do Windows, sugestões relevantes da sua organização, se estiver conectado com uma conta corporativa ou de estudante, e respostas instantâneas às perguntas sobre o Windows.Entretanto, você pode alterar o mecanismo de pesquisa ...
修复 Windows 中就近共享的问题 - Microsoft 支持
如果无法通过蓝牙配对或识别设备,请按照以下故障排除步骤进行解决。 检查蓝牙状态: 在两台设备上,转到 “设置 >设备 > 蓝牙 & 设备 ”,并确保蓝牙已打开。 重新配对设备: 从蓝牙设置中删除配对的设备,然后重新连接它们。 更新蓝牙驱动程序: 打开设备管理器,找到蓝牙适配器,右键 ...
撤消、恢复或重复操作 - Microsoft 支持
撤消操作. 按 + z,或选择功能区左上角的“撤消 ”,直到解决问题。. 无法撤消某些操作,例如在“ 文件 ”菜单上选择命令或保存文件。 如果无法撤消某操作,“撤消”命令将更改为“无法撤消”。 若要同时撤消多个操作,请选择“ 撤消”旁边的箭头,在列表中选择要撤消的操作,然后选择该 ...
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Word for the web, PowerPoint for the web, Excel 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Word 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Word 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016
Växla från den nya förhandsversionen av Outlook för Windows
Om du av någon anledning inte ser någon växlingsknapp i nya Outlook för Windows kan du prova följande felsökningssteg: Se till att du försöker starta klassiska Outlook för Windows från Start-menyn i Windows, inte i nya Outlook för Windows.
Change your Microsoft account password - Microsoft Support
The steps below describe how to change a known password. If you need to reset your password because you forgot it, see Reset your Microsoft account password instead.. Change your password. Go to account.microsoft.com and if you're not already signed in, sign in with the username and current password for the account you want to update.. From the navigation header, select Security and because ...
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Using Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat for work or school
Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat provides AI-powered chat for the web. Whether researching industry insights, analyzing data, or looking for inspiration, Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat gives you access to better answers, greater efficiency, and new ways to be creative.
Applies To: Office for business, Microsoft Office
Create a survey in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
Use Survey to collect data from your co-workers, get insights, and make informed decisions. Create a survey. 1. To create a Survey, click Menu ("…") below the box where you type your message. If Survey isn’t in the Suggestions section, search for it in the Find an app search bar or select More apps to find it in the Apps directory.. 2.
Applies To: Microsoft Kaizala, Microsoft Teams
วิธีใช้และการเรียนรู้สำหรับ Microsoft Edge
รับความช่วยเหลือและการสนับสนุนสำหรับ Microsoft Edge ค้นหาเนื้อหา ...
Use the dial pad to make a call in Microsoft Teams
The dial pad can be used like a typical phone to make a call to a phone number. (You can also type in names or groups.) To dial a number from Teams, go to Calls, and then enter the number of the person you want to reach by using the dial pad located on the left.Then click Call.. To call a person by name, type the name of a person into the dial pad.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams