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DNS dynamic update protocol does not register all adapters on a multi ...
Fixes an issue in which some adapters are not registered when you try to use DNS dynamic update protocol to register network adapters. This issue occurs on a multi-homed DNS client that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 in an Active Directory domain environment that includes large scale DNS servers.
DNS dynamic update protocol does not register all adapters on a multi ...
Fixes an issue in which some adapters are not registered when you try to use DNS dynamic update protocol to register network adapters. This issue occurs on a multi-homed DNS client that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 in an Active Directory domain environment that includes large scale DNS servers.
DNS record is deleted incorrectly after you disable DNS dynamic ...
Fixes an issue in which a newly created static A record is deleted incorrectly from a DNS server. This issue occurs after you clear the "Register this connection’s addresses in DNS" check box in Advanced TCP/IP Settings to disable dynamic registration of DNS records on a Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7 SP1,-based or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computer.
"HTTP 401" error message when you try to access web resources that ...
Avançar para o conteúdo principal. Microsoft. Suporte
Opis varnostne posodobitve za Windows DNSAPI zanikanje od usluga ...
Odpravlja ranljivost v Windows Server 2008 in Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 v okno vlagati Standard 2009.
DNS dynamic update protocol does not register all adapters on a multi ...
Fixes an issue in which some adapters are not registered when you try to use DNS dynamic update protocol to register network adapters. This issue occurs on a multi-homed DNS client that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 in an Active Directory domain environment that includes large scale DNS servers.
מספר רשומות DNS תנודות בשרת DNS מרובי חיבורים שבו פועל Windows Server ...
מתקן בעיה שבה שרת DNS מחזיר תוצאות המשתנות. בעיה זו מתרחשת לאחר התקנת KB 2584476 בשרת DNS מרובי חיבורים שבו פועל Windows Server 2008.
You are prompted to enter credentials when you try to access a ...
Fixes an issue in which you are asked to enter credentials when you try to open or save a file on a SharePoint server. This issue occurs on a Windows 7 SP1-based or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computer that uses the DirectAccess feature to connect to the SharePoint server.