Record your presentation - Microsoft Support
New features added for recording video. The new Record window has two screens: Record and Export.. When you select Record, the Record screen opens by default.. If you select Export in the top right of the Record screen, the Export screen opens.. You can switch between the Record and Export screens using the Record and Export buttons in the top bar of the window.
Applies To: PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2016
Save photos and videos to OneDrive automatically
Use the OneDrive mobile app to backup your phone's camera roll to Microsoft OneDrive. Note that it does not sync photos - it's a one-time upload. This means that once OneDrive has your camera roll, you can delete photos and videos from your device, freeing up valuable space, and the copies in OneDrive won't be affected.
Applies To: Office for business, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Free up space for Windows updates - Microsoft Support
Windows 11 updates provide the latest features and security improvements to help keep your PC more current and more secure. Before the installation process starts, Windows checks to make sure there’s enough storage space on your device for the installation process and for these new features and security improvements.
Sync your account in Outlook to the Microsoft Cloud
To enhance your Microsoft 365 experience in new Outlook for Windows,, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Android, and new Outlook for Mac, you can now sync your non-Microsoft accounts (including their emails, contacts, and events) to the Microsoft Cloud.
Applies To: New Outlook for Windows
A câmera não funciona no Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Quando a sua câmera não estiver funcionando no Windows 11, pode ser que estejam faltando drivers após uma atualização recente. Também é possível que seu programa antivírus esteja bloqueando a câmera, as configurações de privacidade não permitam o acesso à câmera para alguns aplicativos ou haja um problema com o aplicativo que deseja usar.
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
Note: If a compatibility issue has been identified on your device that would disrupt your experience using Windows 11, we will temporarily delay your upgrade until the issue is resolved.Compatibility safeguard holds help ensure you have the best experience possible when upgrading and your productivity is not disrupted if critical apps or drivers are not yet compatible.
Get Windows updates as soon as they're available for your device
We're committed to delivering continuous innovation by releasing new features and enhancements into Windows 11 more frequently. Windows devices get new functionality at different times as Microsoft delivers non-security updates, fixes, improvements, and enhancements via several servicing technologies—including controlled feature rollout (CFR). ...
Configure startup applications in Windows - Microsoft Support
When it comes to optimizing your Windows device, one of the key optimization areas is the startup process. The applications that run automatically when your device boots up can impact both the speed of your startup and the overall performance of your system.
Réinitialiser un mot de passe de compte Microsoft
Remarques : Si vous connaissez votre mot de passe, mais que vous souhaitez simplement le modifier, accédez à’onglet Sécurité, puis sélectionnez Modifier mon mot de passe.. Si vous connaissez votre nom d’utilisateur et votre mot de passe, mais qu’ils ont cessé de fonctionner, lisez Mon nom d’utilisateur et mon mot de passe ont cessé de fonctionner.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
About Genuine Windows - Microsoft Support
There are a few common scenarios in which Windows running on a PC might be discovered to be non-genuine during validation. Repairs. If your PC has been repaired, you might start to see messages on your desktop that Windows isn't genuine.