An app won't start on the Xbox console | Xbox Support
When you start an app on your Xbox console, you see the splash screen for a few seconds before being sent back to the Home screen. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue.
我的 Xbox 控制器無法連線或開啟 | Xbox Support
檢查電池:將控制器電池更換為全新電池,或確定可充電式控制器已充滿電。(即使您的控制器仍有電力,也請執行此操作—電力不足可能會造成連線和功能問題。) 重新啟動控制器電源:長按 Xbox 按鈕 並維持 5 - 10 秒,直到控制器的電源關閉為止。 等候數秒鐘後,然後再長按 Xbox 按鈕 一次以重新開啟 ...
Error 0x80070422 occurs when you try to install a game on your PC
This means that the Gaming Services on your PC needs to be repaired, enabled, or both.
Troubleshoot network connection errors | Xbox Support
Find solutions for errors when you run the Xbox connection test.
Account & profile | Xbox Support
Find everything you need to manage your Xbox account, profile, and more.
Troubleshoot game audio or video issues on Windows
Learn how to resolve game audio or video problems on Windows 10/11 devices.
How do I connect my Xbox controller to PC? | Xbox Support
You can connect your controller to a Windows device by using a USB cable, the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows or Bluetooth. Some Windows devices also come with Xbox Wireless functionality built in so that you can connect a controller directly without an adaptor.
How to find out if a game will play on your Windows device
Here's a checklist to help you determine whether your Windows device is game-ready. Expand all
Play Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Modern Warfare III with Xbox Game ...
To play these Call of Duty games with Game Pass, you need an active Game Pass subscription.
Überprüfen, ob Ihr Gerät die Windows 11-Systemanforderungen nach dem ...
Hinweis: Das Ändern der Hardware eines Geräts in unterstützte Hardware bedeutet nicht unbedingt, dass das Gerät sofort Windows 11 angeboten wird.Das Upgrade wird nach und nach auf Marktgeräten durchgeführt auf der Grundlage von Informationsmodellen, die die Eignung der Hardware, Zuverlässigkeitsmetriken, Gerätealter und andere Faktoren berücksichtigen.