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MS12-054: Vulnerabilities in Windows networking components could allow ...
Resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows that could allow remote code execution if an attacker sends a specially crafted response to a Windows print spooler request.
MS15-009: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: February 10 ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3021952-x64-ENU.exe. For Internet Explorer 6 for all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3021952-ia64-ENU.exe. For Internet Explorer 7 for all supported 32-bit editions of Windows Server 2003: IE7-WindowsServer2003-KB3021952-x86-ENU.exe
MS15-002: Vulnerability in the Windows Telnet service could cause ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3020393-x86-ENU.exe. For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3020393-x64-ENU.exe. For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3020393-ia64-ENU.exe. Installation switches. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307. Update Log File. KB3020393.log
Update Rollup 1 for Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010
The Fep2010-fepext-kb2551095-x86-enu.msp contains a revision to the FEP client installation package. For information on the client file attributes see the Client Update section below. The English version of the Fep2010-fepreport-kb2551095-x86-enu.msp has the file attributes that are listed in the following table:
MS15-025: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel could allow elevation of ...
Resolves vulnerabilities in Windows that could allow elevation of privilege if an attacker logs on to an affected system and runs a specially crafted application. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could run arbitrary code in the security context of the local system.
MS15-053: Vulnerabilities in JScript and VBScript scripting engines ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3050946-x86-ENU.exe. For JScript 5.6 and VBScript 5.6 on all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3050946-x64-ENU.exe. For JScript 5.6 and VBScript 5.6 on all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003:
MS13-081: Vulnerabilități din drivere de mod kernel Windows poate ...
Rezolvă probleme de vulnerabilitate din Windows care poate permite executarea de cod la distanță dacă un utilizator vizualizări partajate conținut care conține fișierele de font OpenType sau TrueType. Un atacator care speculează cu succes aceste probleme de vulnerabilitate poate prelua complet controlul asupra unui sistem afectat.
KB2979597 - SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 3 release information
Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio including SP3. SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe to install the free SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Management Studio Express Edition; then, SQLServer2008R2SP3-KB2979597-x86-ENU.exe. Note After you install the service pack, the SQL Service version should be reflected as 10.50.6000.34.
MS15-038: Vulnerabilities in Windows could allow elevation of privilege ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3045685-x86-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003-KB3045999-x86-ENU.exe. For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3045685-x64-ENU.exe WindowsServer2003-KB3045999-x64-ENU.exe. For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3045685-ia64-ENU.exe
MS15-051: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel-mode drivers could allow ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3045171-x86-ENU.exe. For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3045171-x64-ENU.exe. For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3045171-ia64-ENU.exe. Installation switches. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307. Update log file. KB3045171.log