Beheben von Xbox 360-Verbindungsproblemen mit Drahtlosnetzwerken
Beginnen Sie mit dem Abschnitt Grundlegende Problembehandlung weiter unten. Wenn der Verbindungsfehler durch keine dieser Schritte behoben werden kann, finden Sie zusätzliche Schritte für Ihre spezifische Fehlermeldung unter Fehlerspezifische Problembehandlung.Wenn Ihre Fehlermeldung nicht aufgeführt ist, fahren Sie mit dem Abschnitt Weitere Schritte zur Problembehandlung fort.
Account & profile | Xbox Support
Find everything you need to manage your Xbox account, profile, and more.
Remotely install and manage games | Xbox Support
When you’re away from your console or your Windows 10/11 device, you can still get ready to play your next Xbox console game. Use Xbox app on mobile or to remotely install games—so your games are ready when you are.
2021 Xbox system updates | Xbox Support -
Note If you’re in the middle of a system update and need to find your OS version on your console, pull the left and right triggers and the left and right bumpers on your controller at the same time. The OS version is listed as Build.
Como alterar a senha da sua conta Microsoft | Xbox Support
Importante Como a alteração da senha da conta Microsoft é um pouco diferente da redefinição de uma senha esquecida, esta página não contém as etapas para redefinir a senha da conta.
Configurare il dispositivo Apple per il Cloud Gaming
Nota Alcune app di social networking usano automaticamente i propri browser nell'app, il che potrebbe impedire l'uso di Aggiungi alla schermata iniziale quando altri giocatori condividono i propri collegamenti per il Cloud Gaming. Per ottenere risultati ottimali nei dispositivi Apple, assicurati di usare il browser Safari per il Cloud Gaming.
Error E101 occurs when you try to update your Xbox console
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Xbox One での氏名の公開 | Xbox Support -
[氏名を公開する] オプションを使用することで、自分の氏名を自分のフレンド リストに登録されたプレイヤーやそのプレイヤーのフレンドに知らせることができます。 これにより、既に知っている人を Xbox 上で簡単に見つけることができるようになります。
Rozwiązywanie problemów z grami w aplikacji Xbox dla systemu Windows
Nota Windows 10 22H2 lub nowsze są wymagane, aby niektóre funkcje działały poprawnie w aplikacji Xbox i pasku gry. Możesz sprawdzić wersję systemu Windows w obszarze Ustawienia > System > Informacje > Specyfikacja systemu Windows > Wersja.
Error codes | Xbox Support
Find the info you need to fix error codes you might receive while playing Microsoft Casual Games.