Remove or delete an email account from classic Outlook for Windows
Important: If you want to delete the last or the only email account you have in classic Outlook for Windows, you'll receive a warning that you must create a new location for your data before removing the account.For more information, see Create an Outlook Data File.
Applies To: Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
How to manage the Windows Boot Manager revocations for Secure Boot ...
CAUTION After the mitigation for this issue is enabled on a device, meaning the mitigations have been applied, it cannot be reverted if you continue to use Secure Boot on that device. Even reformatting of the disk will not remove the revocations if they have already been applied. Please be aware of all the possible implications and test thoroughly before you apply the revocations that are ...
Fix a missing Camera Roll in Windows - Microsoft Support
Change where new pictures and videos are saved. Select Start > Settings > System > Storage Open Storage settings. For Windows 11, select Advanced storage settings then Where new content is saved.. For Windows 10, select Change where new content is saved. Look to see what's listed under New photos and videos will save to.This is usually a name with a disk drive letter, such as This PC (C:) or ...
Formation Word pour Windows - Support Microsoft
Formation : regardez et apprenez à utiliser Word sous Windows. Explorez les guides de formation Microsoft Word, les articles et les vidéos pratiques.
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016,
Ponte en contacto con nosotros | Xbox Support
¿Necesitas ayuda con una consola Xbox, un juego Xbox o la Red Xbox? Descubre cómo contactarnos.
Windows 中的文件资源管理器 - Microsoft 支持
如果已隐藏左侧导航窗格,并希望使其在文件资源管理器窗口中可见,可以使用以下步骤再次显示它: 选择“开始 > 文件资源管理器 ”,或选择任务栏中的“ 文件资源管理器”图标。 从命令栏中选择“ 视图 ”。 选择 “显示”,然后选择“导航窗格”。. 导航窗格现在应该在文件资源管理器窗口 ...
Use Eyedropper to match colors on your slide - Microsoft Support
You can use the eyedropper tool anywhere that you can access the More Colors menu option, such as in shape fills, shape outlines, shadow settings, line options, chart fills, and so on. The menu option name may vary (for example, you might see More Fill Colors) depending on the type of object you're working with.For most slide objects, you can simply double-click it to open the Format pane ...
Applies To: PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2019 for Mac, PowerPoint 2016
Mengkustomisasi Taskbar di Windows - Dukungan Microsoft
Untuk membuka Pencarian, Anda dapat: Untuk memulai pencarian menggunakan Windows Search, Anda dapat: Gunakan kotak Pencarian di taskbar: pilih kotak pencarian yang terletak di taskbar dan mulailah mengetik kueri Anda.Ini akan memunculkan daftar hasil yang relevan, termasuk file, aplikasi, pengaturan, dan hasil web yang didukung oleh Microsoft Bing
将 Windows 设备用作移动热点 - Microsoft 支持
通过 Wi-Fi 与其他设备共享 Internet 连接,将 Windows 设备转换为移动热点。 你可以共享 WLAN、以太网或手机网络数据连接。
安装 Microsoft Defender - Microsoft 支持
按照 Play Store 页上的安装步骤操作。. 安装后,使用与 Microsoft 365 订阅关联的个人Microsoft帐户 ((如、 或 )登录。 当你首次在 Android 上登录到Microsoft Defender 时,我们将引导你完成几个从设置 Web 保护开始的简单步骤。 在此过程中,我们将要求你授予 Defender 执行两项操作的 ...
Applies To: Microsoft Defender on Android, Microsoft Defender on iOS, Microsoft Defender on Mac, Microsoft Defender on Windows