Xbox 订阅取消和退款 | Xbox Support
你可以随时取消 Xbox 订阅。 关闭定期计费将停止订阅的未来扣费,并使你在订阅到期之前使用其权益。 你也可能有资格立即取消并获得退款;但不是所有订阅费用都能退款。
Protect your PC from ransomware - Microsoft Support
Ransomware is malware that encrypts your files or stops you from using your computer until you pay money (a ransom) for them to be unlocked. If your computer is connected to a network the ransomware may also spread to other computers or storage devices on the network.
使用 SUMPRODUCT 对一个或多个数组中的对应值的乘积求和 - Microsoft 支持
示例. 如果要使用 SUMPRODUCT 和 创建数组公式,下面是一个 Excel 网页版 工作簿,其数据与本文中使用的不同。. 复制下表中的示例数据,然后将其粘贴进新的 Excel 工作表的 A1 单元格中。 要使公式显示结果,请选中它们,按 F2,然后按 Enter。
Applies To:
Excel 2013
Internet Explorer 下載 - Microsoft 支援服務
Microsoft Edge是 Microsoft 建議的瀏覽器. Windows 7 已不再支援 Internet Explorer 11。 因此建議您改為安裝 Microsoft Edge。 Microsoft Edge 是為了提供最佳網路體驗而建置,讓您在瀏覽時保有更大控制權和更多隱私權。
My Account portal for work or school accounts - Microsoft Support
The My Account portal helps you to manage your work or school account by setting up and managing your security info, managing your devices, and viewing how your organization uses your data. Sign in
关于 Windows 备份和同步设置 - Microsoft 支持
若要查找同步设置,请选择 “开始 ”,然后选择 “设置 > 帐户 > 同步设置 。 从诸如语言首选项、密码和颜色主题的设置中进行选择。 如果启用 其他 Windows 设置,Windows 还会同步某些设备设置(如打印机和鼠标选项)、文件资源管理器设置和通知首选项。有关 Windows 可以同步的设置的完整列表,请 ...
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
リモート デスクトップの使い方 - Microsoft サポート
Windows、macOS、または iOS デバイスでは、次の手順を実行します。 Windows アプリ (Microsoft Store と Apple App Storeから無料で利用できます) を開き、接続する PC の名前を追加します (手順 1 から)。 追加したリモート PC の名前を選択し、接続が完了するまで待機します。
What to do if your Social Security Number (SSN) is exposed
Tip: As you go through this process it's a good idea to keep documentation of any steps you take, calls you make, forms you fill out, or letters you send.If you have to dispute a fraudulent charge or activity, having these records can help smooth the way by establishing that you're dealing with an actual identity theft.
Turn Microsoft Defender Firewall on or off
Under Microsoft Defender Firewall, switch the setting to On.If your device is connected to a network, network policy settings might prevent you from completing these steps. For more info, contact your administrator.
Create a site in SharePoint - Microsoft Support
Enter the name for the site. When you start to enter a name for the site, other fields appear.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365