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MS15-024: Vulnerability in PNG processing could allow information ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3035132-x86-ENU.exe. For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3035132-x64-ENU.exe. For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3035132-ia64-ENU.exe. Installation switches. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307. Update log file. KB3035132.log
MS11-027: Cumulative security update for ActiveX kill bits: April 12 ...
Download the WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB2508272-x64-ENU.exe package now. Release Date: April 12, 2011. For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services.
MS14-040: Vulnerability in ancillary function driver could allow ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow elevation of privilege an attacker logs on to a system and runs a specially crafted application.
Microsoft Security Advisory: Update for deprecation of MD5 hashing ...
Resolution. The following files are available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. For all supported x86-based versions of Windows Vista
MS12-078: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel-mode drivers could allow ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted document or visits a malicious webpage that embeds TrueType or OpenType font files.
MS15-003: Vulnerability in Windows User Profile service could allow ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3021674-x86-ENU.exe. For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3021674-x64-ENU.exe. For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3021674-ia64-ENU.exe. Installation switches. See Knowledge Base article 934307.
MS15-065: Security update for Internet Explorer: July 14, 2015
WindowsServer2003-KB3065822-x86-ENU.exe. For Internet Explorer 6 for all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3065822-x64-ENU.exe. For Internet Explorer 6 for all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3065822-ia64-ENU.exe.
MS14-053: Vulnerability in the .NET Framework could allow denial of ...
How to obtain help and support for this security update. Help installing updates: Support for Microsoft Update Security solutions for IT professionals: TechNet Security Troubleshooting and Support Help protect your computer that is running Windows from viruses and malware: Virus Solution and Security Center Local support according to your country: International Support
MS15-010: Lỗ hổng trong trình điều khiển chế độ lõi Windows có thể cho ...
WindowsServer2003-KB3013455-x86-ENU.exe Cho tất cả các hỗ trợ x64 dựa trên các phiên bản của Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3013455-x64-ENU.exe
MS12-078: Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel-mode drivers could allow ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted document or visits a malicious webpage that embeds TrueType or OpenType font files.