Troubleshooting the Phone Link - Microsoft Support
Check for updates in the Phone Link by opening Settings > About > Check for updates.Install any pending updates to make sure your content stays up-to-date. You may also need to check for updates in the Link to Windows app on your Android device.
Ver o eliminar el historial del explorador en Microsoft Edge
Borrar los datos de exploración almacenados en la nube (si has activado la sincronización o la personalización) Para administrar y eliminar los datos guardados en la nube de Microsoft, consulta el panel de privacidad.En el panel de privacidad, puedes ver o eliminar tus datos.
修复 Microsoft Store 应用出现的问题 - Microsoft 支持
另请参阅. 如果找不到 Microsoft Store,请参阅 在 Windows 10 中查找 Microsoft Store 时遇到问题的疑难解答。. 如果在启动 Microsoft Store 时遇到问题,请参阅 Microsoft Store 无法启动。. 如果可以启动 Microsoft Store,但只是在查找或安装应用时遇到问题,请参阅 我无法从 Microsoft Store 找到或安装应用。
Share OneDrive files and folders - Microsoft Support
The files on your OneDrive are private until you share them. Keep in mind that when you share folders with Edit permissions, people you share with can add the shared folders to their own OneDrive.. This lets them keep the folder alongside their own folders and items, easily move items between folders, and more easily work on it offline.
Applies To: OneDrive for Business 24, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal), SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business
Reactivating Windows after a hardware change - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, it is essential that you link your Microsoft account with the Windows 11 digital license on your device. Linking your Microsoft account with your digital license allows you to reactivate Windows using the Activation troubleshooter whenever you make a significant hardware change.
Usar el solucionador Windows de activación
Obtenga información sobre cómo usar el solucionador de problemas de activación para resolver problemas de activación comunes en Windows.
下载基于 Chromium 的新版 Microsoft Edge - Microsoft 支持
基于 Chromium 的新版 Microsoft Edge 已于 2020 年 1 月 15 日发布。 它与 Windows 和 macOS 的所有受支持版本兼容。 新版浏览器具备出色的速度和性能、适用于网站和扩展的一流兼容性以及内置的隐私和安全功能,可全面满足你的需求。
重置忘记的 Microsoft 帐户密码 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 如果知道密码,但只想更改密码,请转到“ 安全”选项卡,然后选择“更改我的密码”。. 如果知道用户名和密码但已停止工作,请阅读我的用户名和密码已停止工作。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Gestire gli account utente in Windows - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Importante: dovresti limitare il numero di amministratori nel tuo dispositivo Windows perché gli amministratori hanno il controllo completo sul sistema.Gli amministratori possono modificare le impostazioni, installare il software e accedere a tutti i file. Se troppe persone hanno questo livello di accesso, potrebbe portare a rischi di sicurezza come l'installazione di malware o modifiche ...
Télécharger et installer ou réinstaller Office 2019, Office 2016 ou ...
Remarque : Les étapes d’installation des versions 2019, 2016 ou 2013 de Office Professionnel Plus, Office Standardou une application autonome telle que Word ou Project peuvent être différentes si vous avez obtenu Microsoft 365 via l’une des options suivantes : Programme de remise pour le lieu de travail de Microsoft (anciennement Programme d’utilisation à domicile): si vous avez ...
Applies To: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013