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Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
Fixes a problem that occurs if a wireless access point sends state information to IAS during a connection attempt. Provides a hotfix to resolve the problem.
Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
Fixes a problem that occurs if a wireless access point sends state information to IAS during a connection attempt. Provides a hotfix to resolve the problem.
Serviciu de autentificare Internet durează mult timp pentru a ...
Când un utilizator încearcă să se conecteze la rețea utilizând o conexiune fără fir și solicitarea de conectare utilizator care este autentificat şi autorizat de Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), pot apărea următoarele simptome: Durează mult timp pentru a termina conexiunea utilizatorului.
Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
Fixes a problem that occurs if a wireless access point sends state information to IAS during a connection attempt. Provides a hotfix to resolve the problem.
MS15-007: Vulnerability in Network Policy Server RADIUS implementation ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow denial of service on Internet Authentication Service (IAS) or Network Policy Server (NPS) if an attacker sends specially crafted username strings to IAS or NPS.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
Symptoms. Consider the following scenario: You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
Symptoms. Consider the following scenario: You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file.
MS15-007: Vulnerability in Network Policy Server RADIUS implementation ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow denial of service on Internet Authentication Service (IAS) or Network Policy Server (NPS) if an attacker sends specially crafted username strings to IAS or NPS.
MS15-007: Vulnerability in Network Policy Server RADIUS implementation ...
Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow denial of service on Internet Authentication Service (IAS) or Network Policy Server (NPS) if an attacker sends specially crafted username strings to IAS or NPS.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
Symptoms. Consider the following scenario: You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file.