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Update Rollup 6 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Settings. In Settings, click Updates & Security. On the Windows Update tab, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Update Rollup 7 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Settings. In Settings, click Updates & Security. On the Windows Update tab, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package. Manual download.
Update Rollup 10 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Settings. In Settings, click Updates & Security. On the Windows Update tab, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package. Manual download.
Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click Ok. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2016 Service Manager
You as an administrator create a new Exchange Connector through the System Center 2016 Service Manager console. When you click the Test Connection button in the Server Connection pane of the Create Exchange Connector wizard, you receive an exception. Requests that are created through the Self-Service Portal always have the Source field of the ...
Pacote Cumulativo de Atualizações 9 System Center 2016 Virtual Machine ...
Este artigo descreve os problemas corrigidos no System Center Virtual Versão do Machine Manager 2016 UR9. Há duas atualizações disponíveis para Virtual Machine Manager, um para o servidor Virtual Machine Manager e um para o Console do Administrador (x86 e amd64). Este artigo também contém as instruções de instalação para esta ...
Update Rollup 3 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Settings. In Settings, click Updates & Security. On the Windows Update tab, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2016 Orchestrator - Service Provider ...
Manual download. The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Update Catalog: Download the Service Provider Foundation update package now. For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Update Rollup 3 for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager
To obtain and install an update package from Microsoft Update, follow these steps on a computer that has an applicable System Center 2012 R2 component installed: Click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update.
Updaterollup 9 für System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
Beispielsweise zum Installieren des System Center 2016 UR9-Paket für Virtual Machine Manager Server (KB 4549434) führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus: msiexec.exe /update KB4549434_vmmserver_amd64.msp. Informationsquellen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Terminologie, die Microsoft zum Beschreiben von Softwareupdates verwendet