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An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows ...
Improves the SMB Service and TCP protocol components. These improvements work together with other improvements to help improve the overall networking performance on Windows 7 SP1-based and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computers.
New event log entries that track NTLM authentication delays and ...
When the domain controller for a trusted domain changes and there are errors or delays, event 5816 or event 5818 is logged. Therefore, the new trusted domain controller name is tracked, and a new monitoring cycle begins.
รายการแฟ้มบันทึกเหตุการณ์ใหม่ที่ติดตามความล่าช้าในการรับรองความถูกต้อง ...
อธิบายการแก้ไขด่วนที่บันทึกเหตุการณ์ใหม่ทำให้เกิดรายการ ...
Mục Nhật ký sự kiện mới theo dõi NTLM xác thực chậm trễ và thất bại ...
Mô tả hotfix giới thiệu Nhật ký sự kiện mới mục giúp bạn theo dõi sự chậm trễ NTLM xác thực và lỗi trong Windows Server 2008 SP2.
New event log entries that track NTLM authentication delays and ...
When the domain controller for a trusted domain changes and there are errors or delays, event 5816 or event 5818 is logged. Therefore, the new trusted domain controller name is tracked, and a new monitoring cycle begins.
Entri log peristiwa baru yang melacak otentikasi NTLM penundaan dan ...
Menjelaskan hotfix yang memperkenalkan baru log peristiwa entri yang membantu Anda melacak otentikasi NTLM penundaan dan kegagalan dalam Windows Server 2008 SP2.
העדכון פותר בעיה באילו LDAP, Kerberos ו- DC locator תגובות הן איטיות או ...
מאמר זה מתאר עדכון משפרת את זמן התגובה של LDAP איתות (ping). עדכון זה יכול לפתור בעיות אילו תגובות מאתר LDAP, Kerberos ו- DC הן איטיות או זמן קצוב.
Aktualizace řeší problém, který protokol LDAP a Kerberos a DC locator ...
Název souboru. Verze souboru. Velikost souboru. Datum. Čas. Platforma. Bootfix.bin. Není k dispozici. 1 024. 09-Jul-2013. 05:41. Není k dispozici. Expand.exe.mui
Update resolves a problem in which LDAP, Kerberos and DC locator ...
Describes an update that improves LDAP ping response time. This update can resolve issues in which LDAP, Kerberos, and DC locator responses are slow or time out.
Bản Cập Nhật khắc phục sự cố trong đó LDAP, Kerberos, DC câu trả lời ...
Mô tả bản Cập Nhật cải thiện thời gian đáp ứng bóng LDAP. Bản cập nhật này có thể giải quyết vấn đề mà LDAP, Kerberos và DC định vị phản ứng chậm hoặc hết thời gian chờ.