Adjust capture settings on Windows | Xbox Support
Find out how to change your capture settings on Windows 10/11 devices.
Xbox サブスクリプションのキャンセルと払い戻し
Xbox サブスクリプションはいつでもキャンセルできます。 継続請求をオフにすると、サブスクリプションに対する今後の請求が停止され、有効期限まで特典が付与されます。
Add someone to your family group in the Xbox Family Settings app
If you need additional troubleshooting for managing your family group in the Xbox Family Settings app, see:
Iniciar sesión en Xbox | Xbox Support
¿Necesitas ayuda para configurar un perfil de Xbox o iniciar sesión en Xbox desde tu consola, PC o dispositivo móvil? Esta solución te ayudará a iniciar sesión o crear una nueva cuenta.
Fortnite | Xbox Support
Need help with Fortnite? Find links to the Fortnite FAQ, your Epic account, and your purchase history.
Capture game clips and screenshots | Xbox Support
Once taken, captures can be edited and uploaded to the Xbox network, where you can enjoy them everywhere you use Xbox: console, phone and mobile device, and Windows devices.
Create an Xbox profile | Xbox Support -
To create your profile, we recommend you use your Microsoft account email address. Using the same email address to sign in to Xbox allows you to manage your settings and billing information through a single account.
Enforcement strike system FAQ | Xbox Support
Find answers to some of your questions about the Xbox enforcement strike system.
Check your Xbox purchase history
You can view your Xbox purchase history on your Xbox console or the web. Use the steps below to review your info or get help with a charge that you don’t recognize.
All about PC gaming with Xbox
Find out how to play with cloud gaming on devices you already have