Windows dil paketleri - Microsoft Desteği
Windows 8.1 ve Windows RT dil paketlerini edinmenin en kolay yolu, Dil Denetim Masası'nı kullanarak bunları indirip yüklemektir. Menüleri, iletişim kutularını ve diğer kullanıcı arabirimi öğelerini tercih ettiğiniz dilde görüntülemek için ek dilleri indirip kurun.
Mettre à jour manuellement les pilotes dans Windows
Remarque : Le meilleur moyen et le plus sûr d’obtenir les mises à jour des pilotes dans Windows consiste toujours à Windows Update.Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec Windows Update, vous pouvez voir si l’un des liens de Update Windows peut vous aider en premier.
Activar Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Si estás instalando Windows en un nuevo dispositivo o placa base por primera vez y no tienes una clave de producto, selecciona No tengo una clave de producto durante las pantallas de instalación. Cuando se le solicite, escriba la cuenta de Microsoft que desea usar para comprar una licencia digital para este dispositivo.
Изменение параметров конфиденциальности в Windows
Инструкции по просмотру и изменению параметров конфиденциальности в Windows 10 и 11.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Test your camera with the Camera app. Select Start , then choose Camera from your apps. If you're asked to allow access to the Camera, select Yes.If the camera works in the Camera app, the problem might be with the app you're trying to use.
Use the web version of Outlook like a desktop app
Use Outlook in the new Microsoft Edge. In Microsoft Edge, sign in to your Outlook on the web or account.
Applies To:
Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web,, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019
激活 Windows - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Windows 11 中检查激活状态,请选择“开始 ”按钮,然后选择“设置 > 系统 ” ,然后选择“激活 ”。 。 激活状态将在“激活”旁边列出。 在“设置”中检查激活状态. 你将在“激活”页面上看到以下一条激活状态消息:
Add, turn off, or remove extensions in Microsoft Edge
Learn how to manage extensions in Microsoft Edge, including adding, disabling, or removing them as needed.
Enable virtualization on Windows - Microsoft Support
Virtualization lets your Windows device emulate a different operating system, like Android or Linux. Enabling virtualization gives you access to a larger library of apps to use and install on your device.
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
Find out how to use Game Bar to capture game play, chat with friends, track achievements, and more.