Problembehandlung für Surface Type Cover oder Surface Keyboard
Hinweis: Wenn Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes oder sauber Windows-Image installiert haben und Ihre Tastatur nicht erkannt wird, müssen Sie möglicherweise Tastaturtreiber installieren.Installieren Sie manuell das neueste Treiberpaket für Ihre Version von Windows. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Herunterladen von Treibern und Firmware für Surface.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure Let apps access your camera is turned on.. Choose which apps should have access. Only apps that were installed from the Microsoft Store will appear in this list. If you're having problems with an app that you did not install from Microsoft Store, make sure that Let desktop apps access your camera is turned on.You can't turn off camera access for individual desktop apps.
How to add an account in OneDrive - Microsoft Support
To add a personal or work/school account to OneDrive on your pc. Open OneDrive settings (select the OneDrive cloud icon in your notification area, and then select the OneDrive Help and Settings icon then Settings.). Go to the Account tab. Select Add an account.
Applies To:
OneDrive for Business 24, OneDrive for Business, Office for business, OneDrive (work or school), Microsoft Office, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Web 用 PowerPoint でプレゼンテーションを作成する - Microsoft サポート
保存. PowerPoint for the web で作業している場合、作業内容は数秒おきに保存されます。 [ファイル]、[コピーを保存] の順に選択すると、別の場所に複製を作成できます。または、[ファイル]、[形式を指定してダウンロード] の順に選択して、デバイスにコピーを保存します。
Applies To:
PowerPoint for the web
Microsoft 繁体中文输入法 - Microsoft 支持
本页可帮助你了解如何使用 Microsoft 繁体中文输入法,包括输入法功能和键盘快捷方式。
Using tags in Microsoft Teams
@mention a tag in a channel. In a channel conversation, simply @mention a tag (type @ and the tag name) in your message and select the tag from the list.The tag will appear just like any @mention, and the people associated with the tag will be notified.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
La fotocamera non funziona in Windows - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Verifica la disponibilità di aggiornamenti. Seleziona Start > Impostazioni > Windows Update > Controlla aggiornamenti.. Se non sono disponibili aggiornamenti per la fotocamera, prova a selezionare Opzioni avanzate > Aggiornamenti facoltativi e cerca eventuali aggiornamenti dei driver per la fotocamera. Procedi con l'installazione degli aggiornamenti disponibili, quindi riavvia il dispositivo ...
Резервное копирование и восстановление с помощью журнала файлов
Примечание: Чтобы восстановить прежнюю версию файла или папки, включенных в библиотеку, щелкните файл или папку правой кнопкой мыши в расположении, в котором он или она сохранены, а не в библиотеке.
Blocage de contenu pour adultes avec SafeSearch ou blocage de ...
Dans la page Paramètres, cliquez sur l’un des filtres SafeSearch :. Les filtres stricts texte, images et vidéos pour adultes de vos résultats de recherche.. Moderate filtre les images et vidéos pour adultes, mais pas le texte, de vos résultats de recherche. Il s’agit du paramètre par défaut. Off ne filtre pas le contenu pour adultes.. Cliquez sur Enregistrer.
Browsing history on the privacy dashboard - Microsoft Support
For more info, see View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge.. How do I turn on personalized web experiences or browsing history sync in Microsoft Edge? To share your browsing history for a personalized web experience, do the following: