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Register the password reset verification method for a work or school ...
Set up your password reset verification method. Open the web browser on your device and go to the Security info page. Security info Depending on how your administrator has set up your organization, one or more of the following options will be available for you to set up as your security verification method.
Microsoft Authenticator について - Microsoft サポート
無料の Microsoft Authenticator アプリを使用して、パスワードを使用せずにすべてのアカウントにサインインする方法について説明します。
Windows 安全中心 应用中的应用 & 浏览器控件 - Microsoft 支持
基于信誉的保护:本部分允许你配置Microsoft Defender SmartScreen,这是一项安全功能,可防范网络钓鱼攻击、恶意软件和可能不需要的应用程序。它通过针对已知恶意网站和文件列表评估网站和下载,提供基于信誉的保护. 攻击防护:在本部分中,可以配置多个可应用于操作系统或单个应用程序的威胁 ...
KB5001716: Update for Windows Update Service components
Important: If your device is out of support, it is no longer receiving security updates from Microsoft and may become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses.For this reason, we strongly recommend that you update to the latest version of Windows. Each version of Windows is supported for 18 months.
Unblock my account - Microsoft Support
Your account might be temporarily blocked because we noticed some unusual sign-in activity. We know that having your account blocked is frustrating, but we also want to protect you from fraud or abuse.
Applies To:, Microsoft account dashboard
Microsoft Teamsからアカウントをサインアウトまたは削除する
重要: アカウントを削除すると、他のアプリやサービスと共にデバイスの全体的なエクスペリエンスに影響を与える可能性があります。利便性と効率性を高める目的で、Windows やその他のオペレーティング システムでは、Teams を含むデバイス上のさまざまなアプリ間でアカウントを共有できます。
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Troubleshoot buying issues with Microsoft Store
If you’re having trouble buying something from Microsoft Store, here are some steps to try: Check your credit card is up to date on the Payment options page. Check you don't have any subscription payments overdue on the Services page.. Check your account is not temporarily suspended. Check if your Xbox account is suspended.. Check that your computer's anti-virus is not blocking pop-ups or ...
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Deprecation of Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) and MSDT ...
Microsoft is retiring the Windows legacy inbox Troubleshooters, such as Keyboard troubleshooter and Speech troubleshooter, and the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) that runs them.
Get started with eye control in Windows - Microsoft Support
This article will guide you through all the steps of setting up an eye tracker. If you've already got one set up, see Eye control basics in Windows 10, and for troubleshooting help, go to Eye control troubleshooting guide.. In this topic. Set up an eye tracking device