Yeni bir Microsoft hesabı oluşturma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Kendi e-postanız yoksa veya yeni bir e-posta adresi almak istiyorsanız gidin ve Ücretsiz hesap oluştur'u seçin.. Microsoft hesapları için kullanılan adresler yeniden kullanılamaz.
如何将电子邮件地址或电话号码添加到你的 Microsoft 帐户
提示: 创建 电子邮件地址会为你提供附加到现有 Microsoft 帐户的全新电子邮件地址。这使你在 Microsoft 产品套件中(特别是在 Outlook 中)中提供了多项优势和功能。 如果 Microsoft 帐户当前未绑定到 电子邮件地址,则可能需要执行此操作。
Skype help & learning
Skype help & learning. Limited emergency calling Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and has limited emergency calling capabilities depending on your country.
Återställa glömt lösenord till ett Microsoft-konto
Meddelanden: Om du känner till ditt lösenord men bara vill ändra det går du till fliken Säkerhet och väljer Ändra mitt lösenord.. Om du känner till ditt användarnamn och lösenord men de har slutat fungera läser du Mitt användarnamn och lösenord har slutat fungera.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
عرض محفوظات المستعرض وحذفها في Microsoft Edge
يمكنك عرض محفوظات الاستعراض Microsoft Edge المخزنة على جهاز واحد ومسحها عبر جميع الأجهزة التي تمت مزامنتها وفي السحابة.
KB5048239: Windows Recovery Environment update for Windows 10, version ...
IMPORTANT This update will not be offered if your Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) meets any of the following conditions: If the WinRE recovery partition does not have sufficient free space, see the NOTE in the "Summary" section. The note provides instructions about how to increase the available free space in the WinRE recovery partition.
Suchen und Aktivieren fehlender Copilot-Schaltfläche in Microsoft 365 ...
Schritt 2: Sicherstellen, dass Sie den neuesten Build verwenden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Installieren von Office-Updates.. Schritt 3 – Aktualisieren Ihrer Lizenz. Wechseln Sie in einer beliebigen Microsoft 365-App zu Datei > Konto.. Wählen Sie Lizenz aktualisieren aus. Schließen Sie alle Microsoft 365-Apps, die Sie möglicherweise geöffnet haben, und starten Sie sie neu ...
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, OneNote for Microsoft 365 for Mac, My Office for iPhone,
Microsoft Store アプリから Office を再インストールする
Windows デバイスにプレインストールされている一部の Office 製品はプロダクト キーなしでアクティブ化でき、それらの Office 製品の一部では、ライセンス認証中にMicrosoft アカウントが必要ありません。
Applies To: Office 2021
Windows에서 카메라 열기 - Microsoft 지원
Windows에서 카메라 앱을 여는 방법. 웹캠 또는 카메라를 열려면 시작 단추를 선택한 다음 , 모든 앱을 선택한 다음, 앱 목록에서 카메라를 선택합니다. 카메라가 여러 대 있는 경우 카메라 앱이 열리면 오른쪽 위에 있는 카메라 변경을 선택하여 카메라 간에 전환할 수 있습니다.
Reactions in Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Support
Important: Reactions are only available to individuals using a work or school account in Outlook with a qualifying Microsoft 365 subscription.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, Outlook on the web, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, Microsoft Office, New Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS