Ekran görüntüleri yakalamak için Ekran Alıntısı Aracı’nı kullanma
Video ekran alıntısı yakalamak için Ekran Alıntısı Aracı'nı açın, Kaydet düğmesini seçin, ardından Yeni kayıt'ı seçin veya Windows logo tuşu + Shift + R tuşlarına basın. Ekranın kaydetmek istediğiniz alanını seçin ve ardından Başlat'ı seçin. İşiniz bittiğinde Durdur'u seçin. Bu noktada kaydı olduğu gibi kaydedebilir veya Clipchamp video düzenleyicisinde ...
How to delete the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder
An administrator might have customized the settings for your Temporary Internet Files folder to prevent you from changing the settings. For example, the administrator can remove the General tab from the interface in the Internet Options dialog box. If you cannot access the Internet Options dialog box or the General tab, contact your administrator for more information.
Windows 8.1 support ended on January 10, 2023
PCs originally built with Windows 8.1 are designed with technology that is about 10 years old. Once you move to a new PC, there will be many aspects of Windows that you will find familiar, but also with important software and hardware innovations and capabilities that were not available a decade ago.
What is HDR in Windows? - Microsoft Support
If you go to Settings > System > Display > Advanced display and your display doesn’t show as certified (it says Not found next to HDR certification), it might be because it doesn’t have an HDR certification, or the display manufacturer hasn’t published HDR certification information for your display.To find out if your display is HDR certified, visit the device manufacturer’s website.
End of support for Cortana - Microsoft Support
We’re making some changes to Windows and Microsoft 365 that will impact Cortana users. Cortana voice assistance in Windows as a standalone app was retired in the spring of 2023.
Xbox 玩家代號常見問題集 | Xbox Support
新的 Xbox 玩家或想要變更其玩家代號的玩家可以請求使用自己想要的玩家代號 (最多 12 個字元)。 如果玩家代號已經有人使用,就會附加數字尾碼,以區別您和使用相同玩家代號的其他玩家。
Auxílio e aprendizado do Microsoft Edge
Obtenha ajuda e suporte para o Microsoft Edge. Encontre conteúdo de suporte do Microsoft Edge, artigos de instruções, tutoriais e muito mais.
Aide et apprentissage sur Microsoft Edge
Obtenez de l’aide et du support sur Microsoft Edge. Recherchez du contenu de support Microsoft Edge, des articles pratiques, des didacticiels et bien plus encore.
Vincular suas contas de rede social ao Xbox | Xbox Support
Se você selecionou a caixa de seleção Mostrar ícone no meu perfil, mas o ícone ainda não está sendo exibido, saia do dispositivo que apresenta o problema e entre novamente.Em um PC, você também pode ser solicitado a reiniciar o aplicativo: Inicie o Gerenciador de Tarefas, escolha o aplicativo que está em execução (Game Bar ou aplicativo Xbox), selecionar Finalizar tarefa e ...
Apps en programma's herstellen in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Programma's herstellen in het Configuratiescherm. Selecteer de koppeling Geavanceerde opties onder de naam van de app (sommige apps hebben deze optie niet). Selecteer op de pagina die wordt geopend de optie Herstellen als deze beschikbaar is.Als deze niet beschikbaar is of als het probleem hiermee niet kan worden opgelost, selecteer je Opnieuw instellen.