STOCKHISTORY function - Microsoft Support
Argument. Description. stock. Function returns historical price data about the financial instrument corresponding to this value. Enter a ticker symbol in double quotes (e.g., "MSFT") or a reference to a cell containing the Stocks data type. This will pull data from the default exchange for the instrument.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web
Office cheat sheets - Microsoft Support
Training: Get up to speed in minutes, quickly refer to things you’ve learned, and master keyboard shortcuts with these handy cheat sheets for Microsoft Office.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business
Modifier la page d’accueil de votre navigateur - Support Microsoft
Microsoft Edge. Voici comment modifier votre page d'accueil dans la nouvelle version de Microsoft Edge :. Ouvrez Microsoft Edge, puis sélectionnez Paramètres et plus > Paramètres .. Sélectionnez Apparence.. Activez l'option Afficher le bouton Accueil.. Vous pouvez choisir Page Nouvel onglet ou sélectionner Entrer une URL pour une page que vous souhaitez utiliser comme page d’accueil.
Change the default font or text color for email messages in Outlook ...
Change the default font, style, and size for messages in new Outlook. On the View tab, select View settings in new Outlook.. Select Mail, then Compose and reply.. Under Message format, choose the font, size, and style you would like, then select Save.. Change the font size for reading messages in new Outlook
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business, Outlook on the web,, Microsoft Office, New Outlook for Windows
Sign in to Viva Engage - Microsoft Support
With Viva Engage on your PC, Mac, or mobile device, you can: Connect and engage across your organization. Tap into the knowledge of others. Use your Inbox to view, prioritize, and manage the most important messages and announcements.
Service clientèle et support microsoft 365
Le type de support fourni par Microsoft aux consommateurs dépend du produit que vous appelez et si vous avez un produit à usage domestique ou professionnel.Cela peut également dépendre de si vous souhaitez de l’aide pour un problème avec un service comme OneDrive ou, ou de l’aide avec Windows, mais vous n’avez pas d’abonnement Microsoft 365 existant.
Applies To:
Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Microsoft 365 for home
Web 用 PowerPoint でプレゼンテーションを作成する - Microsoft サポート
保存. PowerPoint for the web で作業している場合、作業内容は数秒おきに保存されます。 [ファイル]、[コピーを保存] の順に選択すると、別の場所に複製を作成できます。または、[ファイル]、[形式を指定してダウンロード] の順に選択して、デバイスにコピーを保存します。
Applies To:
PowerPoint for the web
I can't join a meeting in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
If you can't immediately join a Teams meeting, there are several possible reasons: You're waiting in the lobby: Some organizers might place attendees in a lobby before admitting them into the meeting.Wait for someone to admit you, or reach out to the organizer directly to be let in.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams
Add footnotes and endnotes - Microsoft Support
Use footnotes and endnotes to explain, comment on, or provide references to something in a document. Usually, footnotes appear at the bottom of the page, while endnotes come at the end of the document or section.
Applies To:
Word for the web
Windows’u etkinleştirme - Microsoft Desteği
Windows 11'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetlemek için Başlangıç düğmesini ve ardından Sistem > Ayarlar'ı ve ardından Etkinleştirme'yi seçin. Etkinleştirme durumunuz Etkinleştirme durumunun yanında listelenir.. Ayarlar'da etkinleştirme durumunu denetleme. Etkinleştirme sayfasında bu etkinleştirme durumu mesajlarından birini göreceksiniz: