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NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
Symptoms. Consider the following scenario: You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Internet Authentication Service prend beaucoup de temps pour ...
Symptômes. Lorsqu'un utilisateur tente de se connecter à votre réseau à l'aide d'une connexion sans fil et que la demande de connexion de cet utilisateur est authentifiée et autorisée par Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), vous pouvez rencontrer tous les éléments suivants : Symptômes:
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv
Microsoft Support
In this scenario, the Import Configuration command in the NPS Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in on the NPS server cannot read the file that was exported from the IAS serv