Xbox Support
Xbox Support biedt hulp bij vragen over Xbox, Game Pass en facturering. Krijg advies en klantenservice in de Xbox Support Community.
Get the Xbox Insider Hub app
With the Xbox Insider Hub, you can participate in the Xbox Insider Program and explore console, game, app previews, and other experiences before they become available to the general public.
Game Bar で PC のパフォーマンスを追跡する | Xbox Support
ゲームのプレイ中に、PC の CPU 使用状況、フレーム レート、その他のリアルタイム統計を監視するために、Game Bar を使用する方法について説明します。
Vše o Xbox Game Pass Core | Xbox Support
Xbox Live Gold je teď Game Pass Core. 14. září 2023 se Xbox Live Gold členové automaticky stali členy programu Game Pass Core beze změny cen a získali okamžitý přístup k novému katalogu vysoce kvalitních her.
"Sorry, something's wrong with your Microsoft account" error occurs ...
If contact us isn't working the way you expect, try the disability answer desk option on this page. Contact us
Xbox Controller Bar for Windows
The Controller Bar is a feature on Windows 11 that allows you to quickly access games and apps using any Xbox controller, including standard controllers, the Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, and the Xbox Adaptive Controller.
What’s new: Xbox app on PC updates | Xbox Support
Launch the Xbox app on your PC.; Select your profile picture and go to Settings.; Go to About to view your version number.
Xbox system settings | Xbox Support
You can control some of your Xbox console’s core behavior with the system settings, such as the device’s language, location, time, and storage.
Xbox Support
Xbox Support 为 Xbox、Game Pass 和账单问题提供帮助。在 Xbox Support 社区中获取建议和客户服务。
将社交网络帐户链接到 Xbox | Xbox Support
除了少数例外情况,帐户只需链接一次即可。 例如,如果从 Game Bar 链接帐户,则会在 Windows Xbox 应用和主机上链接该帐户。