Cómo descargar e instalar los controladores de impresora más recientes
Puede que Windows Update encuentre una versión actualizada del controlador de impresora. Para usarlo: Selecciona Inicio y, a continuación, selecciona Configuración > Windows Update > de seguridad & Actualización. Abra Windows Update.. Seleccione Buscar actualizaciones.. Si Windows Update encuentra un controlador actualizado, lo descargará e instalará, y la impresora lo usará ...
Windows 11 System Requirements - Microsoft Support
Note: This article outlines the minimum system requirements for running Windows 11 on a PC. These requirements are designed to ensure a great computing experience across a variety of devices, both now and in the future. Specific features, apps, and hardware you add to your PC may exceed these minimum requirements.
How to get help in Windows - Microsoft Support
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Windows Update is now carbon aware - Microsoft Support
Starting with Windows 11, version 22H2, Windows Update is now carbon aware, making it easier for your devices to reduce carbon emissions. When devices are plugged in, turned on, connected to the internet and regional carbon intensity data is available, Windows Update will schedule installations at specific times of the day.