Copilot for Social Apps - Microsoft Support
How can I chat with Copilot Companion on social app? You can communicate with Copilot on WhatsApp in several ways: Scan the QR code below using your WhatsApp mobile app
Sisäänkirjautuminen Hotmailiin - Microsoft-tuki
Vihjeitä: Kun kirjaudut sisään, valitse Kyllä Pysy kirjautuneena -kehotteessa, jos haluat siirtyä suoraan postilaatikkoosi seuraavan kerran (ei suositella jaetuille tietokoneille). Vaihtoehtoisesti voit valita Älä näytä tätä uudelleen -ruudun ja valita Ei, jos haluat, että salasanaasi pyydetään joka kerta.. Jos et voi kirjautua sisään tai olet unohtanut käyttäjänimesi tai ...
Applies To:
Connectez-vous à SharePoint - Support Microsoft
Dans le coin supérieur gauche de la fenêtre, sélectionnez le lanceur d’applications > SharePoint. Conseil: Si vous ne voyez pas l’applicationSharePoint après avoir sélectionné le lanceur d’applications, vous pouvez le trouver en sélectionnant Plus d’applications ou en utilisant la zone de recherche située en haut de la fenêtre pour rechercher SharePoint.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
National Public Data breach: What you need to know
In early 2024, National Public Data, an online background check and fraud prevention service, experienced a significant data breach. This breach allegedly exposed up to 2.9 billion records with highly sensitive personal data of up to 170M people in the US, UK, and Canada (Bloomberg Law).This article provides detailed information about the breach, the data exposed, and recommended actions to ...
Windows 11, historia aktualizacji wersji 24H2
Windows 11 w wersji 24H2; 24 października 2024 r. — KB5044384 (kompilacja systemu operacyjnego 26100.2161), wersja zapoznawcza; 8 października 2024 r.
September 10, 2024—KB5043050 (OS Build 17763.6293)
Windows 10, version 1909 and Windows Server, version 1909 update history; End of service statement; May 10, 2022—KB5013945 (OS Build 18363.2274)
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
提示: 登录时,如果你希望下次直接进入你的邮箱,请在“保持登录?”提示中选择“是”(对于共享计算机,不建议这样做)。 或者,选中“不再显示此内容”框,然后选择“否”,以便每次都提示你输入密码。 如果无法登录,或者忘记了用户名或密码,请使用登录疑难解答。
Applies To:
October 8, 2024-KB5044033 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
File information. For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update.. Prerequisites. To apply this update, you must have .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.8.1 installed.
Como entrar no Hotmail - Suporte da Microsoft
Observações: Sua senha de Hotmail ou é a mesma que a senha da Conta Microsoft. Se você puder entrar, mas estiver tendo problemas com, marque o status de serviço.Se o status não for verde, aguarde até que o serviço esteja funcionando normalmente e tente outra vez.
Applies To:
KB5043950: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint known issue
Important Defender for Endpoint has been removed from the base image for Windows 11, version 24H2 and needs to be manually installed whenever a device goes from Home to Pro.. Workaround. Use the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) command-line tool to install the Windows Sense Client from an elevated command prompt.