Mojang to Microsoft account migration FAQ | Xbox Support
The migration from Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts is a complex process, and you may encounter issues or have some questions. This article outlines common issues with the migration process and provides some solutions.
Xbox gamertag FAQ | Xbox Support
Find everything you need to know about Xbox gamertags.
Get help with purchase errors | Xbox Support
Note If these solutions don’t resolve your issue, make sure to review the info that’s provided under “Additional support solutions” for the scenario that best fits your situation.
使用带 Xbox 360 的 Windows Media Center | Xbox Support
了解在 Windows Media Center 中找到疑难解答帮助的位置,如果您使用的是较早版本的 Windows 和 Xbox 360。
Capture game clips and screenshots | Xbox Support
Here's how to record game clips and capture screenshots of your best gaming moments.
Error 0x80832003 occurs when you try to play a game on your Xbox or ...
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Xbox Support
Xbox Support offre assistenza per Xbox e Game Pass, e per le domande relative alla fatturazione. Ottieni consigli e assistenza nella community di Xbox Support.
Using an unauthorized accessory with your Xbox console
Find out how to make sure your controller is authorized for use with Xbox consoles.
Find the Xbox console ID, device ID, and serial number
To register or request a repair for your Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One console, you need to know the serial number. You may also need to know the console ID or device ID.
如何将我的 Xbox 控制器连接到电脑? | Xbox Support
可以通过使用 USB 电缆、适用于 Windows 的 Xbox 无线适配器或蓝牙将控制器连接到 Windows 设备。 有些 Windows 设备还附带了 Xbox 无线功能,因此无需适配器即可直接连接控制器。