Microsoft 帐户安全信息和验证码 - Microsoft 支持
当你登录到Microsoft帐户时,我们可能会要求提供其他证明,证明该帐户确实是你的帐户。 我们将向你帐户上列出的电子邮件地址和电话号码发送一个代码,当你使用代码进行回复时,我们知道确实是你。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
在 Windows 中更改屏幕亮度和颜色 - Microsoft 支持
某些电脑可能允许 Windows 根据当前照明条件自动调整屏幕亮度。 若要了解电脑是否支持此功能,请选择 “设置 > 系统 > 显示”。选择“亮度”,查找“照明更改时自动更改亮度检查”框,然后选择它以使用此功能。 此自动设置有助于确保你的屏幕随时随地可读。
What happens if there's an unusual sign-in to your account - Microsoft ...
Select Review activity to check for any unusual sign-in attempts on the Recent activity page.If you see account activity that you're sure wasn't yours, let us know and we can help secure your account—if it's in the Unusual activity section, you can expand the activity and select This wasn't me.If it's in the Recent activity section, you can expand the activity and select Secure your account.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Meet Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
Make the everyday easier with Windows 11. When there's a lot to do, Windows 11 helps you get it done. With intuitive navigation and new multitasking tools, it brings you the performance you want and the security you need.
Open the dictation toolbar - Microsoft Support
To open the dictation toolbar, press the Windows logo key + H.Then say whatever’s on your mind. Using a tablet or touchscreen? Tap the microphone button on the touch keyboard to start dictation. Tap it again to stop, or just say “stop dictation.”
How to recover a hacked or compromised Microsoft account - Microsoft ...
If your account has been hacked, use our sign-in helper tool below to help guide you to the right solutions. The tool will ask for your email address or phone number, and either show appropriate self-help, or offer the chance to talk to an agent.
Applies To:
Device protection in Windows Security - Microsoft Support
Windows Security provides built-in security options to help protect your device from malicious software attacks. To access the features described below, tap the Windows Start button, type windows security, select it from the results, and then select Device security.
Windows 帮助和学习
查找有关 Windows 操作系统的帮助和操作方法文章。 获取对 Windows 的支持,并了解安装、更新、隐私、安全等方面的信息。
Automatically save photos and videos with OneDrive for Android
If OneDrive camera backup isn’t working. If automatic camera backup isn’t working, open the OneDrive app. Backups will only happen if the app is running, so swiping the app up to close it will prevent automatic backups.
Applies To:
Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal)
Play, share, and download a meeting recording in Microsoft Teams
Depending on the length of the video, generating closed captions can take several minutes. Once generated, you can watch the video in Stream and have captions displayed at the bottom of the screen.. When the captions have been created, the Generate button turns to Translate.Select Translate to change the spoken or screen language to automatically translate the captions.
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams