Windows JavaScript - Microsoft
この記事では、インターネット ゾーン内のすべての Web サイトがインターネット エクスプローラー、Chrome、Firefox で JavaScript を実行できるようにする手順について説明します。
Windows 11 - Microsoft
警告: Microsoft 不建议在不符合 Windows 11 最低系统要求的设备上安装 Windows 11。 如果选择在不符合这些要求的设备上安装 Windows 11,并且认识到并了解风险,则可以创建以下注册表项值并绕过对 TPM 2.0(至少需要 TPM 1.2)和 CPU 系列和模型的检查。. 注册表项: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup
May 14, 2024KB5037771 (OS Builds 22621.3593 and 22631.3593)
Windows 11, version 21H2; October 8, 2024—KB5044280 (OS Build 22000.3260) September 10, 2024—KB5043067 (OS Build 22000.3197) August 13, 2024—KB5041592 (OS Build 22000.3147)
Windows - Microsoft
我可以重新分发语言包吗? 如果你代表政府或政府机关、政府隶属机关或政府扶持的文化或语言委员会或机构,或认可的教育机构,你可以按原样将从 Microsoft 收到的包重新分发给具有有效软件许可的用户。
Hotmailde oturum açma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Hotmail veya parolanız Microsoft Hesabı parolanızla aynıdır. Oturum açabiliyorsanız ancak ile ilgili sorun yaşıyorsanız hizmet durumunu kontrol edin. Durum yeşil değilse, hizmetin normal çalışır duruma gelmesini bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin.
Applies To:
使 Windows
购买新电脑. 如何知道现在是使用新电脑的时候了. 帮助我选择新的Windows 11电脑. 帮助我选择由 Microsoft 设计的笔记本电脑
View and manage photos from your Android device on your PC
You can paste the photo into an Office document, an email message, or on your PC's desktop. Learn more about copying and pasting content between your devices (for Surface Duo and select Samsung devices). What are photo notifications? You can get instant access to your most recent photos or screenshots from your linked Android device by engaging with the incoming new photo notifications on your PC.
Manage website notifications in Microsoft Edge
Website notifications appear in the lower right corner of your screen and are also displayed in the notification center.When notifications are turned on for a website, they will still appear even if Microsoft Edge is closed.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Windows Windows - Microsoft
了解如何从 Windows 10 家庭版升级到 Windows 10 专业版或从 Windows 11 家庭版升级到 Windows 11 专业版,包括如何使用有效产品密钥或 Microsoft Store。
Windows - Microsoft
使用 Windows 中的“设置”应用通过蓝牙发送文件。