Windows help and learning
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Phone Link requirements and setup - Microsoft Support
1. Sign in with your Microsoft account. You will be prompted to Sign in with Microsoft account. If you have an existing Microsoft account on your mobile device then you will be asked to confirm your account, then click Continue.. If you don't have an existing Microsoft account on your mobile device then you will be asked to sign into your account or create a new one, then click Continue.
Opciones de recuperación en Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Notas: Quitar todo > Cambiar configuración te ofrece dos opciones.. La eliminación de datos activada quita los archivos y limpia la unidad.Si tienes previsto regalar, reciclar o vender tu equipo, usa esta opción. Esta operación puede llevar una o dos horas, pero hará que a otras personas les resulte más complicado recuperar archivos que hayas quitado.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
When your camera isn't working in Windows 11, it might be missing drivers after a recent update. It's also possible that your antivirus program is blocking the camera, your privacy settings don't allow camera access for some apps, or there's a problem with the app you want to use.
Камера не работает в Windows - Служба поддержки Майкрософт
Протестируйте камеру с помощью приложения "Камера". Нажмите Пуск , а затем в приложениях выберите Камера.Если появится запрос на разрешение доступа к камере, выберите Да.Если камера работает в приложении "Камера ...
Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Press this key. To do this. Ctrl + Shift + B. Show or hide the favorites bar. Alt + Shift + B. Set focus on the first item in the favorites bar. Ctrl + D. Save the current tab as a favorite
Usar Recortes para realizar capturas de pantalla
Para capturar un recorte de vídeo, abre Recortes, selecciona el botón Grabar y, a continuación, selecciona Nueva grabación, o presiona la tecla del logotipo de Windows + Mayús + R.Selecciona el área de la pantalla que quieras grabar y, a continuación, selecciona Inicio.Cuando haya terminado, seleccione Detener.En este punto, puede guardar la grabación tal cual o seleccionar Editar en ...
Skype help & learning
Skype help & learning. Limited emergency calling Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and has limited emergency calling capabilities depending on your country.
在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中使用 Microsoft Translator
如果在设置中打开以不同于首选语言编写的页面,Microsoft Edge 将自动提示你翻译它。 转到使用外语编写的网页时,“翻译”图标 显示在地址栏中。 如果某种语言不在“设置”的“首选语言”列表中,则将被视为外语。若要在列表中添加或删除语言,请在 Microsoft Edge 中,转到 “设置”等 > 设置 ...
Applies To: Microsoft Edge
How Bing delivers search results - Microsoft Support
Last updated: November 2024. For previous versions, please see the archives here. Our Approach to Search. We recognize that in our technology-driven world, search engines are in many ways the gateway to the internet and the primary way people find the content they are looking for amongst the trillions of ever-changing webpages available online.