Change the refresh rate on your monitor in Windows
Battery Life: Lowering your refresh rate can save battery power by reducing the amount of energy your display consumes.This can be useful when you are using a laptop or tablet and want to extend your battery life.
Troubleshooting verification code issues - Microsoft Support
When you see a message asking you to make sure you can receive a verification code, verify or add new security info. You can skip it for 24 hours at a time, but after seven days from the first notice you'll have to verify or add new security info before you can sign in again.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
将排除项添加到 Windows 安全中心 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何通过将受信任的文件、文件类型或进程添加到排除项列表,使 Windows 安全中心停止发出有关它们的警报或阻止它们。
Windows Update Troubleshooter - Microsoft Support
Learn how to run Windows Update Troubleshooter to resolve errors downloading or installing Windows updates.
Find my downloads in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
To find downloads on your PC: Select File Explorer from the taskbar, or press the Windows logo key + E.
修复麦克风问题 - Microsoft 支持
允许访问麦克风后,可以在“选择哪些Microsoft应用商店应用可以访问你的麦克风”下选择哪些 Microsoft应用商店应用可以访问这些功能,并通过确保“ 允许桌面应用访问麦克风 ”下的开关设置为“ 开”,授予对非Microsoft-Store 桌面应用的访问权限。
使用截图工具捕获截图 - Microsoft 支持
若要捕获视频截图,请打开“截图工具”,选择“ 录制 ”按钮,然后选择“ 新建录制”,或按 Windows 徽标键 + Shift + R。选择要录制的屏幕区域,然后选择“ 开始”。完成后,选择“ 停止”。此时,可以按原样保存录制内容,或在 Clipchamp 视频编辑器中选择“在 Clipchamp 中编辑 ”以使用录制内容。
Устранение неисправностей Bluetooth-подключений в Windows
Устранение неполадок с аксессуарами Bluetooth. Если вы можете включить Bluetooth, но у вас возникают проблемы со связыванием или использованием аксессуара Bluetooth, см. следующие действия, которые помогут вам устранить ...
Manage website notifications in Microsoft Edge
Website notifications appear in the lower right corner of your screen and are also displayed in the notification center.When notifications are turned on for a website, they will still appear even if Microsoft Edge is closed.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
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查找有关 Windows 操作系统的帮助和操作方法文章。 获取对 Windows 的支持,并了解安装、更新、隐私、安全等方面的信息。