Использование приложения "Ножницы" для захвата снимков экрана
Узнайте, как использовать ножницы для захвата снимка экрана или фрагмента любого объекта на экране, а затем добавлять заметки, сохранять или предоставлять общий доступ к изображению.
在 PC 或 Mac 上下載、安裝或重新安裝 Microsoft 365、Office 2024 或 Office 2021 ...
準備安裝了嗎? 開始之前,請確定您的PC或Mac符合 系統需求。. 如果您已兌換產品密鑰,只要重新安裝應用程式,或是知道您已透過公司或學校指派授權,您可以跳到登入以 下載並安裝 Microsoft 365 或 Office 一節。 不過,如果這是您 第一次 安裝 Microsoft 365或 Office,您可能需要先執行一些步驟。
Applies To: Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Microsoft 365 for home, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise admin, Office.com
如何使用電腦健康情況檢查應用程式 - Microsoft 支援服務
如何開啟 [電腦健康情況檢查] 在 Windows 中,使用任務欄上的 [搜尋] 來搜尋 計算機健康情況檢查,然後從結果清單中選取它。. 如果有可用的 [電腦健康情況檢查] 更新,您可以快速安裝最新版本。
Utilitaire de résolution des problèmes de Windows Update
Windows 10 ne sera plus pris en charge à compter du mois d’octobre 2025. Après le 14 octobre 2025, Microsoft ne fournira plus de mises à jour logicielles gratuites à partir de Windows Update, ni d'assistance technique, ni de correctifs de sécurité pour Windows 10.
登录到 SharePoint - Microsoft 支持
培训:在 Microsoft 365 中开始使用 SharePoint。 在 office.com,登录到 SharePoint,然后选择 SharePoint 磁贴。
Applies To: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
OneDrive’ı kapatma, devre dışı bırakma veya kaldırma
İpuçları: OneDrive'ı bir süre durdurmak veya tümünü kullanmamak istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki diğer çözümler şunlardır: Eşitlemeyi kısa bir süre için durdurmak istiyorsanız, OneDrive’da eşitlemeyi duraklatma ve sürdürme işlemini öğrenin. Bir dosyanın eşitlenmesini durdurmak istiyorsanız, OneDrive’da eşitlemeyi durdurma veya iptal etme makalesini okuyun.
Applies To: OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), Office.com, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet, OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows, SharePoint admin center, SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Small Business, SharePoint operated by 21Vianet
Windows 10 更新小幫手 - Microsoft 支援服務
此疑難排解員可協助尚未將電腦更新至 Windows 10 1607 最新版本的客戶。 此更新一開始只會針對少數目標客戶而發行。 這個組合會隨著時間擴展。 Windows 使用者可以透過本文啟動小幫手。
关闭你的 Outlook.com 帐户 - Microsoft 支持
重要: 关闭Microsoft帐户时,你的电子邮件和联系人将从我们的服务器中删除,无法恢复。如果将Microsoft帐户用于 Xbox、Skype、OneDrive 或其他Microsoft服务,则你将无法再访问这些服务。 你还将无法访问任何保存的 BitLocker 恢复密钥。
Applies To: Outlook.com
Sync SharePoint files and folders - Microsoft Support
Select > Settings.. Select Settings, and open Advanced settings.. Under Files On-Demand, select either Free up disk space or Download all files.. To learn more about OneDrive Files On-Demand and cloud storage to save space on your computer, see Save disk space with OneDrive Files On-Demand for Windows.. Set up Sync for your library
Applies To: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
What's new in PowerPoint 2021 for Windows - Microsoft Support
PowerPoint 2021 for Windows lets you create compelling content with the addition of features including co-authoring, Ink Replay, improved slide show recording, new stock media from the Office Premium Creative Content collection and new Draw tab additions such as Point Eraser, Ruler, and Lasso.
Applies To: PowerPoint 2021