使用系统文件检查器工具修复丢失或损坏的系统文件 - Microsoft 支持
从屏幕右边缘滑入,然后点击“搜索”。 如果你使用的是鼠标,请指向屏幕右下角,然后单击“搜索”。在 “搜索 ”框中键入“命令提示符”,右键单击“ 命令提示符”,然后单击“ 以管理员身份运行”。如果系统提示你输入管理员密码或进行确认,则键入密码或单击“允许”。
Trouver mes téléchargements dans Windows 10 - Support Microsoft
Pour trouver les téléchargements sur votre PC : Sélectionnez Explorateur de fichiers dans la barre des tâches, ou appuyez sur le touche du logo Windows + E.
使用截图工具捕获截图 - Microsoft 支持
若要捕获视频截图,请打开“截图工具”,选择“ 录制 ”按钮,然后选择“ 新建录制”,或按 Windows 徽标键 + Shift + R。选择要录制的屏幕区域,然后选择“ 开始”。完成后,选择“ 停止”。此时,可以按原样保存录制内容,或在 Clipchamp 视频编辑器中选择“在 Clipchamp 中编辑 ”以使用录制内容。
Fix problems uploading files on the OneDrive website
The full path (including the file name) is too long. The path must contain fewer than 442 characters. Shorten the name of your file or the name of subfolders in OneDrive, or select a subfolder that's closer to the top-level folder, and then try to upload the file again.
Applies To: Office for business, OneDrive (home or personal)
Restrict data input by using validation rules - Microsoft Support
3. Validation on a form You can use the Validation Rule property of a control on a form to specify a criterion that all values input to that control must meet. The Validation Rule control property works like a field validation rule. Typically, you use a form validation rule instead of a field validation rule if the rule was specific only to that form and not to the table no matter where it was ...
Applies To: Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
输入 Office 产品密钥的位置 - Microsoft 支持
步骤 1:转到 www.microsoftstore.com 并使用用于购买 Office 的 Microsoft 帐户登录(右上角)。. 步骤 2:登录后,在右上角选择姓名,然后选择“订单历史记录”。. 步骤 3:找到 Office 一次性购买或单独的 Office 应用,然后选择“安装 Office”,查看产品密钥(此操作不会安装 Office)。
Applies To: Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Office.com
Play a CD or DVD in Windows Media Player - Microsoft Support
Note: If you start to play a DVD or VCD in the Player Library, the Player automatically switches to Now Playing mode. The Blu-ray Disc format is not supported in Windows Media Player. To play a Blu-ray Disc, you need to use a non-Microsoft program that supports Blu-ray playback and a device capable of reading Blu-ray Discs.
Track my Microsoft Rewards orders - Microsoft Support
If you want to track your Microsoft Rewards order after you redeem an award, sign in to the Rewards page with your Microsoft account, select Redeem and then select Order history.On the Order history page, find your order and then look under Status.. Open Rewards dashboard
Sync SharePoint files and folders - Microsoft Support
Both options allow essentially the same thing—you can access files on your local computer in File Explorer or Finder. However, adding OneDrive shortcuts allows content to be accessed on all devices, whereas sync is related to a specific device.
Applies To: SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Activer Windows - Support Microsoft
Si vous installez Windows sur un nouvel appareil ou une carte mère pour la première fois et que vous n’avez pas de clé de produit, sélectionnez Je n’ai pas de clé de produit pendant les écrans d’installation. À l’invite, entrez le compte Microsoft à utiliser pour acheter une licence numérique pour cet appareil.