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MS15-071: Vulnerability in Netlogon could allow elevation of privilege ...
Known issues in this security update. This update includes the changes that originally shipped as part of security update 3002657 (MS15-027). Therefore, computers that install this security update are subject to the information in the “known issues with this security update” section of 3002657.Similarly, future versions of packages based on security updates 3002657 and 3068457 will inherit ...
An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows ...
Improves the SMB Service and TCP protocol components. These improvements work together with other improvements to help improve the overall networking performance on Windows 7 SP1-based and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computers.
MS15-027: Vulnerability in NETLOGON could allow spoofing: March 10 ...
Summary. This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Windows. The vulnerability could allow spoofing if an attacker who is logged on to a domain-joined system runs a specially crafted application that could establish a connection with other domain-joined systems as the impersonated user or system.
An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows ...
Improves the SMB Service and TCP protocol components. These improvements work together with other improvements to help improve the overall networking performance on Windows 7 SP1-based and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computers.
Нові записи журналу подій, що відслідковувати затримки автентифікації ...
Описано виправлення, яке представляє новий журналу записи, які допоможуть вам, відслідковувати затримки автентифікації NTLM і невдачі в Windows Server 2008 SP2.
An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows ...
Improves the SMB Service and TCP protocol components. These improvements work together with other improvements to help improve the overall networking performance on Windows 7 SP1-based and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computers.
An enterprise hotfix rollup is available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows ...
Improves the SMB Service and TCP protocol components. These improvements work together with other improvements to help improve the overall networking performance on Windows 7 SP1-based and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based computers.
MS15-071: Lỗ hổng trong Netlogon có thể cho phép nâng cao đặc quyền ...
Các vấn đề trong bản Cập Nhật bảo mật này. Bản cập nhật này bao gồm các thay đổi được vận chuyển như một phần của bản Cập Nhật bảo mật 3002657 (MS15-027). Do đó, máy tính cài đặt bản Cập Nhật bảo mật này có thể thông tin trong phần "các vấn đề với bản Cập Nhật bảo mật này đã biết" của 3002657.
MS15-071: Nedostatočné zabezpečenie v Netlogon môže umožniť eleváciu ...
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation Windows Server 2012 Datacenter ...
MS15-027: פגיעות ב- NETLOGON עלולה לאפשר זיופים: 10 במרץ, 2015
סיכום. עדכון אבטחה זה פותר פגיעות שדווחה ב- Windows. הפגיעות עלולה לאפשר זיופים אם תוקף המחובר למערכת לתחום מפעיל יישום בעל מבנה מיוחד אשר היתה התקשרות עם מערכות אחרות לתחום משתמש מתחזה או מערכת.