Get Windows updates as soon as they're available for your device
We're committed to delivering continuous innovation by releasing new features and enhancements into Windows 11 more frequently. Windows devices get new functionality at different times as Microsoft delivers non-security updates, fixes, improvements, and enhancements via several servicing technologies—including controlled feature rollout (CFR). ...
Aan- of afmelden bij - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Als je ondersteuning wilt krijgen in, klik je hier of selecteer je Help op de menubalk en voer je je query in. Als de zelfhulp uw probleem niet oplost, schuift u omlaag naar Hebt u nog steeds hulp nodig? en selecteer Ja.. Als je contact met ons wilt opnemen in, moet je je aanmelden. Als u zich niet kunt aanmelden, klikt u hier.
Applies To:
Create an email signature from a template - Microsoft Support
To resize the image, select the image to see drag handles appear around the image. Move the drag handles to resize the image as necessary. Select the Picture Format tab on the ribbon, then use the options on it to format your image. For example, you can apply a style or a border to the image.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016
Check your device performance and health in Windows Security
The Health report starts off by showing you the last time a Device Health scan was run. The time displayed should be basically the current time, as Windows Security tries to run a Device Health scan when you open the Device performance & health page.. Beyond the time of last scan you'll see the status of the key areas that Device Health monitors:
Kirjautuminen sisään tai ulos Outlook.comissa - Microsoft-tuki
Kokeile näitä ratkaisuja, jos et voi kirjautua, Hotmail-, Live- tai MSN-sähköpostitiliisi tai jos et ole varma, miten kirjaudut sisään tai ulos.
Applies To: に対してサインインまたはサインアウトする方法 - Microsoft サポート でサポートを受けるには、ここ をクリックするか、メニュー バーの [ヘルプ] を選択してクエリを入力します。 セルフヘルプで問題が解決しない場合は、[さらにヘルプが必要ですか?] まで下にスクロールし、[はい] を選択します。 でお問い合わせいただくには、サインイン ...
Applies To:
Ändern der Helligkeit und Farbe der Anzeige in Windows
Auf einigen PCs kann Windows die Bildschirmhelligkeit auf Grundlage der aktuellen Lichtverhältnisse automatisch anpassen. Um herauszufinden, ob Ihr PC dies unterstützt, wählen Sie Einstellungen > System > Display aus.Wählen Sie Helligkeit aus, suchen Sie nach dem Kontrollkästchen Helligkeit automatisch ändern, wenn sich die Beleuchtung ändert, und aktivieren Sie es dann, um dieses ...
Reinstall Windows - Microsoft Support
Notes: Reinstalling Windows 11 using installation media while choosing to ‘Keep nothing’ (a clean install) will automatically enable reserved storage if the partition you reinstall Windows to is 20GB or larger. Reserved storage sets aside disk space to be used by updates, apps, temporary files, and system caches, thus improving the day-to-day function of your PC by ensuring that critical ...
Windows 10 update history - Microsoft Support
Windows 10, version 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 update history; End of service statement; December 14, 2021—KB5008212 (OS Builds 19041.1415, 19042.1415, 19043.1415, and 19044.1415)
Check your device performance and health in Windows Security
The Health report starts off by showing you the last time a Device Health scan was run. The time displayed should be basically the current time, as Windows Security tries to run a Device Health scan when you open the Device performance & health page.. Beyond the time of last scan you'll see the status of the key areas that Device Health monitors: