Windows 10 and Windows 11 in S mode FAQ - Microsoft Support
To increase security and performance, Windows 11 in S mode only runs apps from the Microsoft Store. If you want to install an app that isn't available in the Microsoft Store, or if you have Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education and want to upgrade to Windows 11, you'll need to permanently switch out of S mode.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure Let apps access your camera is turned on.. Choose which apps should have access. Only apps that were installed from the Microsoft Store will appear in this list. If you're having problems with an app that you did not install from Microsoft Store, make sure that Let desktop apps access your camera is turned on.You can't turn off camera access for individual desktop apps.
Manage background activity for apps in Windows - Microsoft Support
Some apps let you manage background activity, which determines what they can do when they’re in the background and not actively in use. Apps that can run in the background can send and receive notifications, sync information, and stay up to date.
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
Additional privacy for your saved passwords - Microsoft Support
Important: This setting can't guarantee protection against malicious hackers or protect you against a motivated attacker.Malware or keyloggers installed on your device will still be able to read your passwords and attackers who can access your device can also turn off this setting if they know the device password.
Account has been locked - Microsoft Support
Why is my account temporarily suspended? Microsoft accounts are usually locked if the account holder has violated our Microsoft Services Agreement.Here are some common reasons why accounts are locked, though not all account locks occur for these reasons:
Windows'da Başlangıç Uygulamalarını Yapılandırma - Microsoft Desteği
Hatayı düzeltin: Bu uygulamayı bulamadık. Bu uygulamayı Ayarlar'da uygulama başlığı olarak bulamadık masajını görüyorsanız, uygulama çıkarılabilir bir sürücüde, bir ağ sürücüsünde olabilir veya uygulamanın yolu mevcut olmayabilir. Bu durum, bir uygulama kaldırıldığında da oluşabilir, bu nedenle uygulamayı yeniden yükleyerek düzeltmeyi deneyebilirsiniz.
Risolvi i problemi relativi al Bluetooth in Windows
Nel PC a cui vuoi associare il dispositivo: Assicurarsi che la modalità aereo sia disattivata: Seleziona le icone Rete, Audio o Batteria ( ) sul lato destro della barra delle applicazioni, quindi assicurati che l'impostazione rapida Modalità aereo sia disattivata. Attivare e disattivare il Bluetooth: Seleziona Start > Impostazioni > dispositivi & Bluetooth .
View and manage photos from your Android device on your PC
In the Phone Link , select Photos.. In the grid view, select the photo you want to save. A larger version of the image appears. On the toolbar at the top right, select Open to open it in Windows Photo Editor.. In Photo Editor, select Edit & Create > Edit.. At the top of the window, select the option that reflects what you want to do: Crop & rotate, Filters, and Adjustments.
Libérer de l’espace disque dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Remarque : Si moins de 10 jours se sont écoulés depuis la mise à niveau de Windows, votre version précédente de Windows est répertoriée sous la forme d’un fichier système que vous pouvez supprimer.Si vous devez libérer de l’espace disque, vous pouvez le supprimer, mais n’oubliez pas que cela supprimera votre dossier Windows.old, qui contient des fichiers qui vous donnent la ...